Chapter V

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Morgana was not too happy that she had been beaten by the witch Elaine, in fact, she was surprised that Elaine was still alive in the first place. Morgana had gone back to Lucifer who was happily sitting on his throne. Lucifer had been enjoying it but it wouldn't be long before she could find a way to dispose of him. The only thing she needed was Excalibur, but only her brother could pull it out which made her even more annoyed. Though, it seemed that he still didn't remember who he was.

"So, let me get this straight," Morgana said. "I went to England to search for this Sam and Dean person and I come back to your ass on the throne?"

"Don't talk to me like that Morgana," Lucifer said. "Remember what I said, and I'm surprised that you've come back without Sam or Dean,"

"You never warned me that there was another witch involved," Morgana said. "And thanks to you, now they're probably going to find that damn sword,"

"What sword?" Lucifer said now alert. Morgana had realized that she had made a terrible mistake and he wasn't going to leave her alone. "Morgana, what sword are you talking about?"

"Nothing, it's just an old weapon, forget I said anything," Morgana lied. However Lucifer wasn't so easily fooled, he was the king of lying so he knew when someone was attempting to lie to him.

"Really?" That was all he said getting off his throne and stroking the armrest of it. Morgana refused to show her fear since she knew that would only make him dispose of her. After all, he only used someone until they were not useful.

"Forgive me, my lord," Morgana said to him which left a bitter taste in her mouth. "It's just been so long since I've been on this earth so I forgot to mention it,"

"Then perhaps the legends about you are incorrect," Lucifer taunted. "I would expect a queen to remember everything,"

"I am a high priestess of the old religion, and I am the true queen," Morgana said defending herself. "I don't make mistakes like that,"

"Then I expect you to prove it," Lucifer responded sitting back on his throne. "You've disappointed me and believe me you don't want to make me angry, leave this place, and don't come back until they're both dead,"

"As you wish," Morgana responded, keeping her voice low. She used her magic to place false thoughts in her head for Lucifer to read so that he wouldn't see her plans to use the sword on him. Wait a minute that was it, if she could get her hands on the sword then she could easily kill Arthur and Merlin without lifting a finger. She could also get rid of the low life witch mocking her and her new 'ally'. She left with a smirk on her face, planning to let her enemies lead her right to the sword. Lucifer had made a grave mistake bringing her back and it would be his downfall. Back at the cave, Elaine watched as Sam and Dean processed everything they had seen. She had expected lots of screaming and denial from them, not complete silence and the young witch wasn't sure which was worse.

"Okay, I guess I didn't exactly think this through," Sam said to his brother. Dean looked over at his brother and crossed his arms.

"You think?" Dean said, while he was slowly beginning to accept that he was the possible reincarnation of King Arthur, he was still having trouble processing everything. "How will we know if we are reincarnations?" Dean questioned.

"Once we find the sword, all you have to do is pull it out of stone," Elaine said. "It's possible that the sword is near the location of the final battle," she explained. "Glastonbury, Somerset, England,"

"Right and how far is it from here?" Dean questioned.

"Usually by car, it's not that far, but in this situation, we'll have to walk," she continued. "I can't use magic because Morgana will be able to sense it,"

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