A Long Story, Another Path

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Everything was made of wood, from the walls to the floor. The opening room was rather large and it was filled with four long tables easily able to seat twenty five people a peace. Instead of tablecloths, they were accented with paintings and carvings. Each table was colored uniquely, each with one dominant color: blue, yellow, orange and red. Aside from the tables, there wasn't much inside the room.

"Welcome to the Hall of the Lost Seasons." Atina smiled proudly. With the exception of us, there wasn't anyone else in the room.

"It's beautiful." Felix whispered. He was looking all around, taking in every detail.

"You said it was called the Hall of the Lost Seasons. It's a very curious title" I commented as I took in our surroundings. It seemed like a rather odd title to me.

"It's a rather long story. Maybe you should take a seat, I fear that we have a lot of explaining to do here." Garuth took a seat at the red table and waited for the rest to follow.

Once I pride myself away from gawking at the magnitude of the room, I followed Felix in a couple of seats across from Garuth and Atina. Just looking at their faces, I could tell they were uncomfortable.

"Our story starts many years ago. A very long time ago, a princess was taken to our world," Atina started a story that was sounded quite familiar, "Through her flaws, she was tested. The very wizard that you speak of, the wizard Dirk, he guided her towards the Out-Worlder, but she did not make the journey."

"She faced trials that she could not overcome," Garuth continued the story, "Her body was trapped in our world, leaving a husk of her former self in her place back in your world. Part of her died that day. Her fate was sealed to this world. After she learned that she was unable to leave Austaria, she grew twisted. She spent years searching for magic that could bring her back to her world, but she failed."

"Instead of finding magic that could bring her back, she found other magic. Her power grew strong enough to rival the wizard Dirk. One day she cast a spell that stole the night from us. Since then, we have never seen a change of season or even a change to night. It's because of this unnatural light that the plants around us grow and grow, never seeming to stop". Atina's voice trailed off, sadness overwhelmed her.

"We created this room as a reminder of a time that once was, that hopefully we will get back." Garuth finished. The story hit a nerve with me. I could wind up stuck here, just like the princess.

"You said the princess couldn't return home. Is that going to happen to me?" I asked. The knot in my stomach returned brought back by fear of never being able to return home.

"It's hard to say. All I can tell you is you should find the Out-Worlder as soon as you can." Atina answered, her voice solemn.

"Where can we find the Out-Worlder?" Felix asked them.

"He lives in a castle a little farther to the West. There is something you should know about him before you go," Garuth began, "He will ask a price from you. It is this price that will test you. It will not be easy."

"What else can we do if not try." I retorted. The only other option was to remain here, leaving the life I knew and loved behind.

"I understand. Remaining in this world would destroy your spirit." From the story they had told me, I was sure Garuth's words would become true.

"Is there anything else you could tell us to better prepare us for the Out-Worlder?" I asked them. I wanted to be as prepared as I could, given the circumstances.

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