A Lot of Running, A Major Headache

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A/N: So, this part and the one before it are essentially the same chapter. I know it cuts and starts right in the middle, my apologies. I tend to write late at night and I just got too tired. I also try to keep each part about 2000 words long, for consistency's sake. Thank you for reading though... let me know what ya'll think. Starting to get closer and closer to the end and I cant wait. Been excited about the ending since I came up with it. 

This time, the creatures couldn't catch us before we made it to the soft glow of the mushrooms. The second we made it inside the soft white glow of the shrooms, we turned, weapons now drawn, ready to fight if we had to.

The sounds of the creatures abruptly stopping were easy to hear as there claws dug into the dirt. The low growls simmered into the familiar hissing. We still couldn't see anything more than the occasional set of glowing eyes pacing around.

"It worked, they wont touch us here." Breathing heavily, Felix lowered his machete and rested his back against the shroom. It wasn't until now that I realized that he had a large gash on his shoulder, blood was running down his sleeve and arm, dripping off his fingertips.

"Your arm!" I exclaimed. He gave his shoulder a peculiar look, as if he didn't realize until in this moment that he had been hit.

I threw my pack down, unwrapped a bit of food, and placed the wrap over his shoulder. I used the vines to tie the make-shift bandage as tight as I could.

"Thank you." He gave me a weak smile.

I wanted to do more, but until we got out of this forest, we didn't have much at our disposal. Having a spare second, I looked around in the shadows, only to notice that I couldn't see, nor hear anything besides ourselves.

"Do you think they are still out there?" I asked Felix as calmly as I could.

He gave the shadows a long stare, "They definitely are. They are waiting for us to step out of the light." He slowly pushed himself up.

"Then were trapped." My voice weakened to a mere whisper. Lute brushed against my neck in reassurance, humming sweetly.

"We aren't trapped, we can run from shroom to shroom, using the torch in between. Theres plenty of light to keep us protected from the creatures." He started pointed to the dozens of large mushrooms littered all around us. I pushed myself up and stood side by side with him.

"Then we make a run for it? I'm not sure if the ring is going to protect us anymore. Besides, my arm still hurts." I rolled up my sleeve, revealing bright red skin radiating up my arm, sourcing at the ring.

I hadn't thought to look before now. At the sight of my arm, I instantly removed the ring, of which was hot to the touch. Felix looked more worried than anything.

"Let me wear it. If we need to use it, it will hurt me instead." He reached out for the ring. I didn't want him hurt, but I couldn't use it if we needed it, so I placed the ring in his hand.

"Be careful. Maybe I should carry the torch. The ring can give you a bit of a push." He nodded, handing me the torch.

The magic felt the same as the ring did, a warm tingling feeling flowed inside me when I carried it. I was relieved that I didn't have to transform the spoon into the flame, considering how long it took Felix to achieve it.

"Lute, can you stay inside the backpack for a little bit?" I asked him. He gave a vigorous series of jumps and squeaked enthusiastically. I opened the pack and let Lute jump inside. I didn't fasten the top shut, allowing him to look out but still be secure.

The Witch, The Wizard, and The Out-WorlderWhere stories live. Discover now