A Sad Man, A Happy Plan

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A/N: I know it's been a while since I have wrote anything on this story, my apologies. I am finishing this one up though, I have renewed vigor. This particular content is new and with it I edited and updated a lot of the previous content. This happened 7/16/2019, so if you read this beforehand, I'm sorry, but some key information has changed in regards to how the world works, may wanna refresh yourself. I have how I want it to finish all squared away so there should be no major plot adjustments going forward. That being said, once I'm done writing, there will be edits and additions to be sure, but nothing that would change the story. Thank you for reading!

The Out-Worlder grew quiet and looked as if he were lost in thought, "That is a great question. I could say for certainty, that we have never had more than one living creature pass through the portal at a time, so I do not know the answer to that. I would very much so like to find an answer for you, however, until the night is returned and the portal is active again, we have no way of knowing".

"I would like to offer the witch my place back home. If she will agree to give us the magical artifact, she can return home." Felix seemed unphased at the thought of remaining behind. I suppose the life of a cat is much easier to leave behind.

"That's a curious offer. I would be interested in finding out if she still desires to return home after all these years. I must warn you though, I can not be part of this endeavor, the witch will not stand to look at me without violence". He said as he pushed himself up from the throne with his scepter.

"Then we will go to her ourselves." I replied, sounding far more confident that I likely should have.

"This would appear to be our best shot at getting Keiko home." Felix defended.

Our steadfastness seemed to amuse the Out-Worlder, as he cracked a smile. Up until now, he had seemed rather lifeless, but he was starting to come alive as we pushed on with our plan, "If you insist upon it, then I will not stop you. If you can bring me the magic orb, I can release the night and send you home. I know it doesn't sound like much of a task, but the witch is not as pleasant as you may believe. She will sense you coming the moment you step into her cursed forest. While I enchanted the forest here to transform the predators into fuzzy, non threatening, creatures, such as the one you have accompanying you, she has twisted every living thing around her and trapped them in the Forest of Unfamiliars. It will not be a safe journey for you".

The glimmer of hope I had, nearly extinguished completely with the thought of entering a forest of nightmares. I looked over to Felix, who was largely unphased with the new set of challenges. Maybe it was the cat in him that made him feel more unafraid than he should.

"What happens if I die? My friends and family will never know what happened to me. Then again, if I don't try, I'll never return and they still wont know." I felt like crying. I could feel my face start to flush and my eyes begin to water.

"Now now, they will be fine regardless. The charm placed on that mirror that brought you here, it left your body there, filled with a clone of your spirit, your essence. There will definitely be notable differences, as you are the only you there is, however, they will not fear you dead or otherwise. Only when you return through the portal will you regain control of your body." He sounded as if he felt he was truly making me feel better, but it only barely helped.

"We will get the night back and return here. Do you have the map still Keiko?" Felix asked as he moved in closer.

I pushed back my tears and rummaged through the bag for the map. It didn't take long before I recovered it and passed it to Felix. He studied the map briefly, nodded, and put the map into his pack.

The Witch, The Wizard, and The Out-WorlderWhere stories live. Discover now