An Old Tower, An Older Story

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It was silent for a few moments as we studied each other. I knew I was going to meet him, it's what I came for, but he wasn't what I had imagined. He acted as if he was expecting me and that he couldn't care less that I was here. There was something about him that wasn't sitting right.

"I was told you were the only one that could help me get home, back to my world," There was another long pause as he waited for me to continue, "will you help me get home?"

"I am the one to ask, in fact, the only way out of this land and into yours lies in this very castle." There wasn't much compassion in his voice, he simply didn't care about the situation.

        "So, will you take me home then, please ?" I asked again. This time, he stirred in his throne and sat up straight, his arms resting on the arms of his royal seat. If anything, he looked ill-fitted for such a seat of its size.

                "Tell me girl, what have you learned since being here," He stirred around in his throne some more, as if not quite comfortable. His question caught me off guard, causing me to make an awkward squeaking sound as I tried to find words, this resulted in him sighing rather loudly and rolling his eyes, "surely you have heard stories. Perhaps you met some of my magical counterparts. You have to have some idea of what you are trying to get involved in, right?"

                This time I caught my thoughts together and managed more than a simple squeak, "I know the witch is from my land and she got trapped here somehow, and that she stole the night to get back at you. I know that you're the only one that can send me home. I also know a wizard by the name Dirth, he changed my cat into a person, who is here with me, and that's about it."

                When I mentioned my cat being a human, the Out-Worlder gave Felix a very curious look, as well as a highly amused smile, "Do you like being a boy Felix? I could change you back right now if you would rather?"

                Felix almost looked insulted when he was asked, "I am fine the way I am now thank you. I would much rather be a boy and be able to help Keiko get home."

                The Out-Worlder leaned back and smiled again, "Is that all you would like? To see her go home?"

                "I don't understand." Felix spit back, a little agitated and confused.

                "It makes no difference," The wizard leaned forward once again, still not quite catching comfort, "so it seems you have some information. Let me clarify a few things. The witch did steal the night, but it wasn't my fault entirely, though she chooses to place the blame squarely on my shoulders. Before she came here, the magic of this land was sealed by a great wizard. Some say he cursed the people of this land, some say he protected it. When the seal was created, the people of this land were locked away from magic. He did this because the magic was corrupting the people, causing massive wars for power, thousands of people died and he couldn't sit idly by. He sealed away the magic into artifacts and scattered them about the land. No one knows how many there are or how they are protected. All we know is, no person of this world can touch them. Unfortunately, he didn't account for the portals to this world which brought people from outside our land, here, such as yourself. Most portals were destroyed or lost shortly after he sealed the magic and the wars fizzled. I was the first to appear after the magic was sealed. Confused, I didn't know about the curse, that after a full day here, you're trapped forever."

                My heart sank, my stomach grew cold, and I could feel the color drain from my face, "What? I can be stuck here?" I whimpered, feeling completely defeated, as I was sure I was already close to being out of time.

                The wizard sighed loudly, seemingly agitated about being interrupted, "That used to be the case, but as the witch stole the night, time doesn't move like it did before, so, luckily for you, you are fine for now," I felt a thousand pounds lifted off my shoulders and my breath come back to me at the same time, "As I was saying. I wasn't as fortunate as you are, as there was nothing stopping me from being stuck here. My window of opportunity had closed long before I came to know the Wizard Eriyah, the man who sealed away the magic. He was very old when I met him, when I told him my story of how I came to be here, he took pity on me and guided me under his wing. One day, as he neared his last day, he  took me to this tower and told me about the portal at the top. On that day, he entrusted me with the task of shepherding those from other worlds, back home through this portal. After giving me this told me of a place where he hid a magical artifact and  tasked me to retrieve it, absorb it's power, and protect those who find themselves misplaced here. Shortly after, he died. The magic kept him alive, and without it, his life force was not more than yours. He was a great man," He paused for a moment as he recounted his memories, "I did as he requested, retried a magical scepter and used its power to help in all ways that I could."

The Witch, The Wizard, and The Out-WorlderWhere stories live. Discover now