11: Scream

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The setting sun is majestic with all its orange, red, and purple hues, painting the sky in such rich splendor

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The setting sun is majestic with all its orange, red, and purple hues, painting the sky in such rich splendor. The night seems to rise from the earth, pushing the sun away. The warmth of its rays kissing my right cheek in farewell. I soak in its last touches as the bold and brilliant colors linger on the right side of my face... Too bad the ambulance's flashing lights hypnotize me into place, binding me to it. Part of my face tingles, warmth trying to soothe my skin and beckon me to turn its way, but it's the cold frigid night air on the other side that wins over. Dots blur my vision from the piercing bright lights, straining my already sore eyes.

It's as if the painful beams are the vipers from Medusa's head, but instead of turning my whole body into stone, it's just my eyes, freezing me forever in this moment. Darkness slowly descends and it's sad how such a beautifully divine sunset will possibly haunt me for the rest of my life.

I might've killed a man.

The gravity and weight of it bare down on me and I can't remember how to properly breathe. Something that should be on autopilot has gone into manual and I'm panicking, not knowing how big of breaths I should take, how long I should let them out for, or when I should open my airways again.

"You have to teach me how to do that!" Georgie exclaims. Her tiny fists appear in my peripherals, taking punches at the air.

Her form is all kinds of wrong, including how she's holding her fists.

I need to teach this girl how to punch before she breaks a thumb.

Noticing my gaze still pinned on the ambulance, Georgie stops and grabs my hand. "You didn't kill him."

I let out a breath and it glides out of my nose until my chest sinks in and starts to tighten in pain, needing to be expanded with oxygen. My heart no longer functions properly either as I watch Red Light's stretcher get hoisted up into the ambulance.

There is a good chance he could die.

My fingers rattle against Georgie's calm ones and I clench my teeth so tightly that the right side of my jaw cracks from the force. The area around Red Light's Adam's Apple had swelled up like a balloon and by the time the ambulance got here, it was so extensive it had been cutting off his airflow.

My stomach tightens, nausea rolling up, making a burning pathway to my esophagus. My eyes finally break free from the viper lights. "Excuse me," I say, my fingers sliding out of Georgie's.

Even my steps are unrhythmic. One leg wants to sprint away while the other is determined to go at a steady pace. I bury my face into the crook of my arm and weirdly race to a hidden spot where I can try to practice my breathing again without being interrupted. Try to relearn something I knew how to do the minute I came out of the womb.

As soon as I'm around the house my palm meets the siding. My body is quaking and so rattled every muscle in my body is tense, spasming. I take a deep breath, my lungs and chest expanding but when I let out the long ragged exhale, my chest sinks in again, my throat closing up. I close my eyes praying. "Please, don't let him die. Please."

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