emeralds and jade

194 20 12

dear horcrux experiment number 4,

i've always been an envious man— it's lucky i've been told i look good in green. green in my head, green in my soul(s), and green in my sad, pitiful excuse of a heart.

i've been envious for so long, over so many things, it's become a new normal. until now. it's all consuming and choking and it almost feels like your love.

i've always been jealous too.

but i've had so many things to be envious of. my situation was not one that held the advantage of family or money— much unlike those around me. for some reason though, my envy laid low and didn't attack until it met you.

or more specifically until you died.

the root of all my sins, the cause of my (imminent) destruction. your rotting peacefully in your grave, a picture of grace while i burn in your selfish agony. typical of you to do this to me.


i fed you fruits of my sinner tree. you watered me with envy, and i couldn't help but poison my poor, little lover. it's in my nature, but how i swear your water was poisonous because i'm feeling ill to this day in the remembrance of you.

you ended your life stained red— green too at seeing the life in my eyes, eyes that were holding emerald for the opposite reasons. my worst fragments could only hope to imprint on you, and i only hold the littlest satisfaction they did.

you always did look lovely in green too.

your snake,
tom riddle x

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