the laws of science

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dear horcrux experiment number 4,

before i am a killer, i am a learner. i ache for education and knowledge like i ache for your (love) soul.

heaven and hell, a base touched on so little, but with so much to explore. you would disagree. i can hear your croaky voice speaking now (well,  you always speak to me). a sultry undertone and you enunciate the "L" in hell like you're certain we'll see each other there. an angel like you? never.

"tom, darling, you must be joking. you're a logical man, use that brain of yours."

oh but i'm certain it's true. it's real. real as the silence in my chest where a heart should be, real as the wine (blood) stains on my floor, real as your voice in my head. a concept so large and it must be true.

if it's possible for me to love, then it is possible for me to be condemned for my crimes.

you're too "logical." too much of a scientist. i don't quite think the laws of science are important when i split my soul using you.

almost like a show.

i always will put on a show for you, a dancing one if you'd like? you're the main character as always.

my logic, like you, is gone. my souls are split and my mind with it. if logic is true, if science the ever leading solution, then why won't you shut the hell up? a shrill sound of radio static in my head, YOU. if the laws of science are real, then you shouldn't be watching me write this because you are six feet under.

so no. i am not a logical man. there is no room for logic in (any of) my soul(s).

i swear to you number 4, i'll kill you again and again if that's what it takes to get you out of me. you're stuck on me like a stain, in me like a disease, a fucking curse.

there's a system of punishment for people who are deserving. a saving grace for people like you. you're wondering in between and maybe that's why you grasp onto your logic so tightly, in fear of which direction you'll end up.

didn't you always wish for an eternity together though? meet me in my circle of hell. we can dance and sing and drink and watch a film. meet me there and i'll show you how true the logic of a mad man is.

your logician,
tom riddle

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2022 ⏰

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