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Dean was feeling a little bit nervous as he made his way to Grey Sloan. Pru was six weeks old, and he was taking her for her first pediatrician appointment. He had no idea what to expect, and he was feeling very nervous about everything with his little girl.

He had also only been back at work for a week, and it had been so hard leaving her and made him fear that he was doing something wrong even more.

Vic had offered to come with him, but he had told her he wanted to take her alone. However, as he walked into the hospital, he kinda wished he had someone with him besides just the sleeping baby in the carrier on his chest.

As he walked through the lobby, he saw a large group of doctors all standing around one doctor who was up on a table, yelling about something. He thought the yelling doctor looked familiar, but he couldn't quite place him. Dean sighed, hoping everything was ok, but not really having time to stop and see because he was already running late.

He made it to the appointment, glad that everything seemed to be good with his baby girl. She was a good height and weight, and she was growing well.

Dean discussed some of his fears about JJ leaving and how that would impact Pru, and the doctor assured him that she was going to be ok, that plenty of kids grew up in single parent homes, and that from what he had seen, Dean was a good dad who was doing an amazing job with the little girl.

She also told Dean that many, many kids, including her own had a nanny who stayed with them, and that there was nothing wrong with that. It made him feel a little bit better about how things were going with Pru.

He also got some tips on things to try to help with the colic that had been keeping all of them up for the two or so weeks, hoping that something worked because the sleep deprivation was getting bad.

When the appointment was over, the doctor told Dean that they needed to get some labs on Pru, telling him to go down to the lab to get that done.

Dean nodded, getting ready to head down there when Pru had a massive blow out all over her clothes and the carrier Dean had her in. He sighed, taking her into one of the family bathrooms because the men's bathrooms almost never had changing tables. He quickly got her into clean clothes, shoving the old ones along with the baby carrier into the diaper bag, grateful that at least this time, she had managed to avoid getting him messy.

Once she was cleaned up, he headed out of the bathroom, realizing he had completely forgotten the directions the doctor had given him about how to get to the lab. The bathroom he had found was down a pretty quiet hall so he didn't see anyone around.

However, as he started to walk toward the lobby to get some directions, he spotted a doctor in pink scrubs standing near an equipment cart, her back to him.

"Excuse me," he said, walking over to her.

"Si," the woman said, turning around, wiping the tears off her face.

"Oh," Dean said, realizing she had been crying, "Sorry. I'll go."

"No," the woman said, her Italian accent evident to Dean immediately, "Sorry. Something just happened with my brother, but he will be ok. Can I help you with something?"

"I'm just looking for the lab," Dean said, "I need to take my daughter to get some bloodwork done."

"I'll walk you down there," the woman offered.

"That's ok," Dean said, "You can just point me in the right direction."

"No," the woman said, shaking her head, "It is a little confusing getting down there. Plus, I could use a distraction for a few minutes. Come."

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