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It was maybe three days after the snowstorm, and Andy was still struggling with everything that she had learned that night.

She was going to lose her dad in the next 6 months, possibly sooner. Would she even get a Christmas with him?

She was still so pissed at Maya about everything, blaming her for her dad telling her about the cancer, though she knew deep down that wasn't her captain's fault, but she needed somewhere to direct her anger, and Maya was by far the best choice right now.

However, she was still a lieutenant in the station, meaning she still had to give reports to her captain. However, as she approached the captain's office, she noticed the door was mostly closed and the blinds were too. Andy was about to knock when she noticed someone else was in the office. She almost just walked away, but she found herself a little curious so she just stood and listened.

"I just don't know what to do, Carina," Maya said, sighing as she leaned on her desk.

Carina, Andy thought, that was the woman who told JJ to masturbate while she was in labor. Who the hell was this woman?

"Well, all you can really do is just be there when she is ready to talk to you," Carina said, going over to Maya, pulling her into a hug, "It is going to be hard, but that is all you can do. When my mamma died, I was angry at everyone, but I was grateful for my friends who stuck around."

It was then Andy realized they were talking about her, and she felt her anger flare again. Her best friend was talking to some random person about her. It was none of this Carina character's business what was going on in her life.

Andy also couldn't help but feel, jealous maybe, that her best friend was talking to someone else about her personal life. Normally, when the blonde needed something, which admittedly was almost never, she would come to her.

But now, she was talking to this other person. Had Maya already found herself a new best friend? As much as Andy hated Maya right now, she didn't want her to get another friend. Or maybe she did. Then, she could just be done with her former friend forever.

"Maybe you should talk to her," Carina said, drawing Andy's attention back to the conversation she had been eavesdropping on.

"I don't know what else to say," Maya sighed, shaking her head, "I am going to go upstairs and get some coffee. Do you want some?"

"Coffee from here?" Carina said, laughing, "I imagine it is probably worse than the stuff at the hospital."

"That's probably true," Maya nodded, "I just drink it because it's that or feel exhausted all the time. I'll be right back."

Andy, who had no desire for her boss to know she had been listening in on her private conversation, quickly turned and walked/ran into the turnout room. She heard Maya going up the stairs, deciding to go put the files in the office while Maya was upstairs because she didn't want to run into the captain.

She walked over to the office, a little surprised to see Carina sitting in Maya's chair. That was not a place the blonde normally let anyone sit, let alone a civilian.

"Hello," Carina said, smiling at her, "I'm Dr. Carina Deluca."

"Lieutenant Andy Herrera," Andy said, smiling, "I was just dropping off these for Captain Bishop."

"Maya went to get coffee," Carina said, Andy noticing a slight shift in her tone after she told her who she was, "She'll be right back."

"That's ok," Andy said, shaking her head, "I'm just gonna leave them here, if that's ok."

"I don't care," Carina shrugged.

"Well, I'm gonna go," Andy said, not really sure how to act around this woman who was obviously someone of some kind of importance to Maya because the blonde never had anyone come visit at the station, always claiming it was a distraction.

"It was nice to meet you lieutenant," Carina said, waving a little as Andy walked out.

"You too Dr. Deluca," Andy said, heading into the barn as she heard Maya coming out of the beanery.

Andy from the barn as Maya walked back into her office. From where she was, Andy could no longer hear what was being said in the office, but she watched as Carina pointed to the files on the desk. Maya nodded, shoulders sinking a little.

Andy was about to walk away and get on with her evening, but just then, she saw Maya lean over and plant a kiss on Carina's lips. Andy's eyes widened, not believing what she had just seen.

Had Maya "monogamy is for the weak" Bishop brought a girlfriend into the station? Did Maya even have a girlfriend? Andy had only moved out a few weeks ago and she was pretty sure Maya didn't have a girlfriend when she was living there.

Andy was thinking about all of this as Carina walked out of the station, Maya just standing in her door for a minute, watching her leave.

Andy quickly ducked away, making sure her former best friend didn't see her and figure out she had been spying on her. Andy got back to work, checking to make sure they had all their tools in place.

As she did, she couldn't help but think about what she had seen in the captain's office. She had so many questions and wanted to go ask Maya bout who this woman was, but she decided it was absolutely none of her business what her former friend did in with her personal life.

Plus, Andy shouldn't even care.

Maya was probably just going to implode this relationship like she did all the other ones in her life anyways, right? By next week, the blonde would be on to the next man or woman because who needed relationships when life was all about you.

However, as Andy continued working, she couldn't stop thinking about what she had seen. She had never seen Maya like that with anyone in the almost seven years she had known her. Maya was usually a one and done kind of girl, making very small exceptions for Jack, though at this point, Andy was pretty sure that had only happened because Jack was around and with how much they were working, the blonde was not getting her usual self-care in.

This thing with Carina seemed...different.

Maya had talked to her during the storm, turned to her for advice, which was not something the blonde did, like ever. She normally just pushed through and figured it out. Though Carina was an OB, so it made sense, Andy reasoned.

However, it was the way Carina sat in Maya's chair, the small, gentle kiss, the way Maya talked to Carina about what was going on in her life. Andy couldn't quite pin down what it was, but for some reason, something about this Carina seemed different.

She shook her head, trying to force herself to stop thinking about that for now as she got back to work. 

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