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Pruitt sighed as he walked toward the apartment building his daughter used to live in.

He wasn't totally sure why he was here, but he kinda just wanted to be back in the place Ryan had died one more time before he inevitably joined him. Pruitt knew his time was coming. It was like he could feel it in his bones that he wasn't going to be alive very much longer, and sure, he knew the cancer was fast, but something in him told him it was going to be much faster than that.

Andy had gotten married the day before, and while he wasn't sure Robert was the man he wanted her to spend forever with, he would always be grateful to have been able to walk his little girl down the aisle, even if it was just at a courthouse.

He wandered upstairs, having to stop every few steps to catch his breath. He was glad it was only the second floor that he had to make it to.

As he was resting for the last time, just a few steps from the top, he heard someone coming up. As the person rounded the corner to come up the steps, he smiled at them.

"Are you alright?" the woman asked, concern on her face, "Do you need some help? I'm a doctor."

"No," Pruitt said as the woman came up next to him, "I'm ok. I mean, I'm dying, but there's nothing I can do about that."

"What?" the woman said, clearly confused.

"I have advanced cancer," Pruitt said, "Doctors say I have about three months to live. And before you try to tell me about this or that treatment, I don't want it. I have made my peace with dying."

"I wasn't going to suggest anything," the woman said, shaking her head, "Except maybe that I help you up the last few steps. I think it is very brave to face death like you are. Do you live in this building?"

"No," Pruitt replied, allowing her to help him up the last couple steps, "My daughter used to live here, before her best friend died here and I told her battalion chief not to promote her because I was dying and her roommate and other best friend got the job instead."

"Oh," the woman said, a flicker of recognition crossing her face, "That is a lot. Why are you here then?"

"I don't know," Pruitt said honestly, "I think I just wanted to see where Ryan died one more time before I join him. He was like a son to me."

Carina nodded as they slowly walked down the hall.

"Do you live here?" Pruitt asked, "In this building."

"No," the woman said, shaking her head, "I am visiting my girlfriend. She lives on this floor."

Just then, the door to Maya's apartment opened.

"Oh, there you are Carina," she said, "You said you were on your way up and...Cap? What are you doing here?"

"Just came to see where Ryan died one last time," he said, shrugging, "And I ran into this lovely woman who helped my old ass up the stairs."

"Oh," Maya nodded, smiling a little, "Well, this is my girlfriend, Dr. Carina Deluca. Carina, this is my old Captain Pruitt Herrera."

"Hey, watch your language Bishop," he said, looking at her, "Who are you calling old."

"You know what I mean, Cap," Maya said, shaking her head.

"It's very nice to meet you," Carina said, smiling at him, "I have heard a lot about you."

"From this one?" Pruitt said, eyebrow raised, "So you heard how much of a strict, hard ass I am?"

"No," Carina said, shaking her head, "Maya speaks very highly of you. She says you are the reason she became captain."

When I First Met CarinaWhere stories live. Discover now