Zigzag Nails

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 I always failed perfecting the design because… well, my hands were too shaky. So, if you are not too confident about your hand-painting skill like me, this tutorial is perfect for you :)

You’ll need:

nail polishes (for your base colour + for zigzags) tea-off paper pallet pinking shears tweezers


1) Let’s start by making decals. Apply small amount of nail polish on the paper pallet, and let it dry (for more detailed instructions on how to make decals, please read this post).

2) When the polish is completely dry (I mean, 100% completely dry), cut the dried polish with pinking shears to make a thin strip.

3) Slowly peel the polish off from the paper pallet, and your decal is ready! If the polish doesn’t peel off easily, the polish isn’t dry enough yet.

4) Apply nail polish for the base colour (I’m using L’Oreal / 101) as you normally do, then place the decals with tweezers.

5) Apply a top coat to finish off.

Easy peasy, right? At first I tried cutting the decals without the paper pallet (the same way as making triangle decals), but the dried polish wasn’t strong enough and shattered to pieces… It was such a relief when I tried with the pallet on and worked :)

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