Itsy-Bitsy Triangles

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Are you good at hand drawing? Well, I’m not, and that means that I usually rely heavily on masking tapes when painting patterns on my nails. OK, I love using masking tapes, but… sometimes it drives me CRAZY (you know, all the cutting and the extra drying time?). There has to be another way, I thought.

And… yap, I finally got it. I no longer have to worry about my shaky hands! I love myself. Can I say it again? OK, maybe not. So, let’s get cracking on!

You’ll need:

nail polish tear-off paper pallet small, sharp scissors orange stick/ tweezers


1) Apply small amount of nail polish on the paper pallet, and let it dry.

2) When the polish is completely dry, slowly peel it off with an orange stick or tweezers.

See? It comes off pretty easily. If it doesn’t peel off, maybe the polish isn’t dry enough yet, or the polish was too thinly applied.

3) With sharp scissors, cut the dry polish into triangle shapes (or whatever shape your heart tells you), and the preparation is done!

Now all you need to do is paint your nails as you normally do, stick the triangles on the wet polish, and finish it off with a top coat.

I can’t believe how easy it is to make these triangles, and also to make these otherwise complicated patterns (sorry the photo is a bit blurred). Possibilities are endless, and I can’t wait to try making more patterns!

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