Chapter 6

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Why? Why didn't she stay put? What was so important that she needed to run into danger? Cat Noir couldn't stop the questions. He needed to. He stood in front this new villain and looked at the damage it caused. He looked to the right of the villain on time to see Ladybug swooping in with her yo-yo and kicking his arm. He didn't budge. 

Ladybug landed and looked up at him. "BUG!" The akuma said as he reached his hand to grab her. She was quick to duck away and turn around. Cat Noir ran to her and stood by her side. "Whats the plan?" He asked. "Not sure yet. What do you know so far?" She asked and looked at him. 

"He's a jerk for no reason." Cat Noir groaned and looked away. Ladybug stood there confused and shook her head. "Ok, not what I was expecting but ok." She said quietly and looked at the bench that was tossed into their direction. She pushed Cat Noir then moved back. Cat Noir got up and looked at the bench then the villain. This time as he reached for Ladybug he was successful.   

"Let the lady go!" Cat Noir shouted as Ladybug squirmed around. Her arms were pinned to her side and she couldn't move her legs much. She looked at the ground seeing her yo-yo had fallen out her hand. "Well that's great." She rolled her eyes and looked at Cat Noir as he ran to the akuma with his staff. "Cat Noir wait!" She shouted but it was to late, he was grabbed too. He swung his arms around with his staff still in his hands. "Come on! Put me down and fight me like a man!" He shouted. 

Ladybug sighed and looked around. "Think think." She mumbled and looked at his staff. "Cat put your staff in his hand and extend it!" She shouted and Cat Noir looked at her. He looked at his staff and slipped it into his hand and the staff extended. He was dropped and he landed on his back. "Ouch.." He mumbled but got up as the akuma started running. 

Cat Noir looked at Ladybug seeing her moving around trying to at least get her arm free. He quickly grabbed her yo-yo and ran after the akuma. "Buggie!" The akuma laughed a bit and squeezed her. Ladybugs eye's widened as she screamed. "I'm not a stress ball put me down!" She shouted. 

Cat Noir hopped on the roof tops as he followed. He ran ahead and placed his staff between to buildings so it acted like a trip wire. He looked up seeing the akuma still running. He heard Ladybug scream as the akuma tripped and his grip opened. Ladybug slid on the street and Cat Noir ran to her. He helped her up and looked at her. 

"You ok bugaboo?" He asked and she nodded. "I'm fine. Just slightly crushed and scrapped." She sighed and took her yo-yo as he handed it to her. She looked at the akuma. "It had to be one of his buttons or his hat." She said quietly and they watched  the akuma get up. "Lets try the middle button, it's a different color from the rest." Cat Noir said and looked at Ladybug. 

"We need a way of getting close without getting crushed." She said as they hid. She called her lucky charm and looked at the item. "A bag of stuffing?" She said to herself and looked around. She thought about how the akuma behaved and looked at Cat Noir. "We need to find a costume store." She said as she got up and ran. Cat Noir quickly followed. "For what? I know I said I trust you blindly before but is this really the time to play dress up?" He asked as they searched. 

"It sounds weird I know but just give this idea a chance alright?" She said as she found one. Cat Noir sighed and nodded. "What ever you say M'lady." He replied and they both ran inside. Ladybug looked around and found a ladybug costume. she sat in the isle and started to fill it with stuffing. she grabbed a manikin head and put it on the stuffed costume. She added a wig as the final touch and smiled. Cat Noir looked at it then Ladybug.

"That's a little disturbing but I see where you going with this." He smiled and they ran out the store. She set up the fake ladybug somewhere and looked around. "Alright, where did he go." She sighed and looked for the akuma. She jumped when she heard the stomps and hid behind the car with Cat Noir. 

The akuma grabbed the distraction and Ladybug made a string shot with her yo-yo. "Alright Cat. It's your time to shine." Ladybug  smiled. Cat Noir smirked. "Cataclysm!" He shouted. He leaned back on the line and Ladybug let go causing him to fly forward. Cat Noir touched the button in the middle and it dispersed into dust.  The purple butterfly flew out and Lady bug grabbed her yo-yo.

"No more evil doing for you little akuma." She smiled. "Time to de-evilize!" She shouted and count the akuma. "Gotcha'..bye bye little butterfly." She said softly and watched the white butterfly fly away.

She threw her lucky charm item up and the cure spread around fixing the damage. Cat Noir walked up to her. "I would love to stick around but I've gotta go check on someone and make sure shes ok." He said and Ladybug nodded. She watched him take off then took a short cut back to where he had put her. 

"Spot's off. Hide Tikki." She whispered and sat down. Just on time Cat Noir arrived and hurried to her. "Hey, your ok right sorry for just ditching you here. Let's get you back to your friends." He smiled and looked helped her up. "I'm ok. Thank you Cat Noir." Marinette smiled and she squeaked as he picked her up.

"Good, no time to waist." He smiled and ran to find the 3 they were hanging out with. Once he found them Cat Noir saw Luka standing with Alya and Nino as the 3 questioned where their other two friends were...

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