Some Unexpected Help (Re-edited)

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It's been 3 weeks now. Over the past weeks Nate learned to tone out the guards making comments and jokes about how easily startled he is. One thing he couldn't really tone out was being bullied by Echo. She would either scare him, trip him by sticking her foot through the bars when he isn't looking or seeming like she's trying to get his attention by throwing little rolled up leaves at him whenever he passes by and he had no idea why she was doing this. However it seemed different then the way the guards treat him. For example she only does this when nobody is around, another thing was Echo would actually growl at the guards when ever they would mess with Nate. Nate got numb to it at this point and just acted like it was just another part of the job, of course Nate did report the misbehaviour from the guards and a noticeable amount of mistreatment went away because of it... however it didn't stop completely. He still did get some mistreatment from the guards and even be ridiculed for reporting them, the most times it would happen was when Nate's brother Jack was off work. Today was one of those days, for the first time Nate actually got to do what he was trained for which was reporting any malfunctions or problems with the paddock. He found a single pipe which was broken by a fallen branch which connects to the paddock. After calling a repair crew to fix the pipe he continued along his way. Well at least Nate knew he wasn't being paid for nothing, he felt accomplished a little and also a tiny bit proud of himself however his thoughts came back to earth when he realized a guard tripped him while he wasn't paying attention. He was ready for his face to make contact with the dirt ground but that didn't happen. Nate looked to his side and noticed an arm grabbing him by the collar of his shirt which was keeping him from falling. It was Echo's arm, she grabbed him through the bars before he fell.

Echo: I'm not gonna keep holding you like this all day nerd!

Nate: oh uh sorry!

Nate placed his feet forward so he wouldn't fall forward. Echo then let go and brought her arm back behind the paddock bars.

Nate: Th-thanks

Echo: don't mention it

Echo then noticed Nate shyly staring at her.

Echo: so you gonna say something or are you gonna keep staring at me like that twerp!

Nate: oh uh... s-sorry

Echo: whatever... hey so look, I know your a little wimp but you can't just let those tools do that to you and get away with it you know, you can't let people walk all over you

Nate: but.... y-you do the same thing though

Echo: HEY WELL!!!!.... well.... I can do that ok! But they can't because they're... your own kind, you can't just let your own kind walk all over you like that, now me, I'm a hybrid, I'm a different story

Nate: so if your sisters started bullying me it would be ok-

Echo: NO!

Nate: wait so that's not ok either? s-so what? You can only bully m-

Echo: just shut up you little wimp!

Nate: ......o-ok

Echo: now go be a good little human and do your job or whatever!

Nate was about to walk off before he was stopped one more time by Echo. 

Echo: hey wait twerp! before you go..... I forgot to ask your name a few weeks ago, so what's your name?

Nate.... you... f-forgot to ask me my name weeks ago?

Echo: don't question me you little dweeb!

Nate: uh... uh... m-my name is Nate

Echo: Nate huh..... mm ok anyways later loser

Echo then walked off as Nate slowly walked away as well to go do his job. Nate though to himself about what just happened. He thought it was a little weird but hey at least he got a little help or something.

Echo's POV

Echo's mind: what the hell was that just now? What was I even flapping my mouth about?! Why did I even bother to help that human?!

She got deep into thought until finally she thought of something and a similar feeling began settling in, the same feeling she felt when she first saw Nate up close that has been reoccurring since.

Echo's mind: no no no, damn it! It can't be that! No, of course not, there's no way I'm feeling.... That...

Brute Raptor Love (human Echo x OC) ( a Jurassic Love spin-off) Where stories live. Discover now