Well This Is New (Re-Edited)

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Nate woke up hearing his alarm on his phone ring. He pressed the off button and got up from his bed with a groan. He did some stretches before walking over to the washroom to take a shower. Afterwords he got into his uniform, brushed his teeth and headed out the door.

Nate's mind: I just hope today won't be like yesterday

When he got out into the parking lot, Jack was waiting by the Jeep.

Jack: hey little bro, got us some breakfast

Jack tossed Nate a breakfast burrito, luckily enough Nate caught it.

Jack: nice catch! Alright let's get going.

Nate and Jack got in the Jeep and began driving to the paddock while Nate ate his breakfast. When they got there Jack went over to talk with Owen who was the head of the paddock while Nate went to do his job.

Echo's POV

Echo was woken up by her oldest sister Blue who always gets up the earliest and always wakes her and the rest of her sisters up.

Echo: uhh just let me sleep for 10 more minutes!

Blue: no I don't think so, you tryna get an oversleeping problem?

Echo: there's a difference between sleeping a little longer and having an oversleeping problem

Blue: I know for a fact that if I let you sleep now you'll wake up around mid day, remember last year? You were slowly becoming a nocturnal human-Raptor hybrid

Echo: fine fine you win....

Echo got up and stretched as she felt the soreness in her muscles from her workout yesterday. After she was done she rubbed her eyes and looked out the fence part of the paddock and noticed a familiar face.

Echo's mind: oh it's that cute-..... wait..... what am I talking about.... jeez I'm losing it! its a freaking human for fuck sake! And oh right I just remembered scaring him yesterday.... His reaction wasn't like a guards reaction where they get scared then cocky and act tough like the tools they are, instead he was scared and looked embarrassed... I oddly feel bad..... it looked like he was gonna die of a heart attack yesterday- wait why do I care about the well-being of this human?

Echo put her hands on her head as she sighed, her head was beginning to hurt.

Nate's POV

Guard #2: hey wadup shaky

Nate: huh? oh um hi-

That's when Nate noticed what he called him.

Nate: .....oh

The guard and the 2 other guards that were following him laughed and walked off.

Nate's mind: guess that's what I'll be known as here...

Nate sighed as he continued his patrol around the Paddock, while doing a lap around the paddock he noticed his brother Jack talking to one of the hybrids by the closed entrance of the paddock. He found out her name was Blue because That's what Jack called her. As Nate passed by he got to the fence part of the paddock where he saw the same guards who made fun of him, they looked at him with mocking grins but suddenly there was a loud noise behind Nate making both him and the guards jump a bit. The guards sped walked away as Nate turned around and saw where the loud noise came from. One of the hybrids were standing by the gate and she was staring at the guards then looked at Nate, Nate jumped a little then noticed it was the same one who scared him yesterday.

Nate: s-stop scaring me!!!

Echo had a confused look on her face as Nate who was almost a foot shorter than her was shouting at her in slight annoyance.

Nate: I know you must be really annoyed with being in there but please don't take it out on me by scaring me ok!!!

Echo: what was that human?

Nate: p-please stop scare me like that! my brother told me you like scaring people... b-but-

Echo: but?

Nate: but even if you like scaring people could you not scare me? I'm just trying to do my job!

Echo: hahaha! Why would I do that? Scaring is so much fun! especially when I'm scaring a human as small looking as you!

At this point Nate began to snap a bit.

Nate: l-look I get enough of that from the mainland and now here, I'm just about sick of hearing that!

Echo: you suddenly gotta lot of energy in ya, for such a tinny little dweeb like you!

Nate: oh a tiny little dweeb? So what just because I'm small suddenly means I can't fight back?!

Echo: well you certainly seem pissy! your just lucky these bars are between us because if they weren't I-

Nate: would do what? Beat me up? That wouldn't be the first!

Echo frowned a little and raised her fist a little.

Echo: listen here you little shit!

Before Echo could say anymore Nate stormed off as Echo watched him walk away.

Echo's Pov

As Echo watched him walk off she felt an odd feeling of regret, something that completely caught her off guard, however she quickly shook it off.

Echo's mind: this small human seems.... different from everybody else, Unlike the guards he doesn't just ignore me, he actually talked to me and I can't ever remember somebody responding like this after being scared by me... well this is new...

Brute Raptor Love (human Echo x OC) ( a Jurassic Love spin-off) Where stories live. Discover now