Getting used to human society

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It's been 2 months since Nate and Echo reunited. Since then Delta and Charlie were snuck off the island and on to the mainland. Delta managed to get a job at a library while Charlie became a student at a high school since she was still a teen. They both got a apartment where they lived together. The last one to go to the mainland was Blue who was coming next month. During the past 2 months Nate has been helping Echo and her two sisters get used to human society and also for their 1 month anniversary Nate bought Echo a home gym which she helped him install in the garage. She was very happy to finally use proper exercise equipment. Nate also went on more dates with Echo.

Echo: so how does this work again?

Nate: you just place your thumb there and it unlocks for you

Currently Nate was helping Echo learn how to use the phone he got her a few days ago, while they were in the middle of a date.

Echo: hmm ok

The phone then unlocked like Nate said.

Echo: ok I think I got the hang of it, ok thanks for reminding me how to unlock this thing, oh right it's called a phone

Echo put her phone back in her pocket as she held Nate's hand. Currently they were going on a walk through a park. Echo looked at the trees and remembered the trees from isla nublar.

Echo: not like the trees back on the island but still pretty.

Echo looked over at Nate who was shyly blushing.

Echo: what's wrong baby boy?

Nate: mm... y-your holding.... My hand

Echo: *giggle* you still feel shy when I do that

Nate shyly nodded.

Echo: awwww your so cute!

As Nate and Echo left the park they began walking down a side walk. Echo was looking around at the different buildings and people walking around.

Nate: something wrong?

Echo: oh I'm fine I'm just still getting used to everything 

As they were walking they approached a coffee shop.

Nate: hey wanna get a drink?

Echo: sure

Nate: hey have you tried hot chocolate?

Echo: I don't think I have

Nate: ooooo then I'll get both of us some!

Echo always loved hearing Nate excited and seeing his face light up. It made her heart melt. Nate went in the shop as Echo waited outside. As she was waiting outside somebody with a dog on a leash walked by the store, tied the leash to a bicycle stand and walked in to the store. Echo watched as the dog looked at her shyly as if it was kinda unsure if she was friendly.

Echo's mind: wait does this dog sense the raptor in me? Jeez dogs really are good at sensing stuff... better show it I mean no harm

If she remembered correctly Nate told her that she could hold her hand towards a dog so the dog could know her scent then she could pet it. So she did just that. After the dog sniffed her hand she began petting the dog. Petting the dog made Echo smile as Nate came out of the shop with two cups of hot chocolate. Echo gave the dog one last pet as Nate handed her some hot chocolate. They both held hands as they walked away from the coffee shop. While walking Echo saw a group of girls looking at Nate and when listening in on them she heard they were saying creepy comments about Nate. In response Echo hissed at the group of girls and since she was a hybrid her hiss was the hiss of a raptor which made the group of girls run away.

Echo: hm! Nobody says that about my baby!

Echo then took a sip of the hot chocolate.

Echo: damn! This tastes great!

-10 minutes later-

Nate and Echo finally got home and decided to cuddle on the couch. While looking at her phone Echo accidentally started playing music.

Echo: oh I didn't know this thing could play music-

That's when Echo realized she remembered this song. It was Earth Angle by The Penguins. Just as the lyrics came in Echo began signing the lyrics like it was an instinct reaction. As Nate heard her voice he blushed hard as his whole face went red. Her voice was absolutely beautiful, it was like the most soothing and beautiful thing Nate had ever heard. In fact her voice was so soothing Nate would probably fall asleep if it wasn't for him blushing so much. As Echo finished singing the song she noticed Nate looking very shy and blushing hard.

Nate: y-your voice is so b-beautiful, I didn't know you could sing

Echo: when me and my sisters were kids some trainers would leave a radio on every evening, during the rare amounts of alone time I had I would practice singing those songs... and also thank you for the compliment baby

Echo kissed Nate on the forehead which made him giggle. Suddenly Nate heard a deep and kinda quiet purr come from Echo.

Nate: are... y-you purring!?

Echo: y-yeah.... I mean after all I am part raptor.... It's been so long since I've purred...

Nate: well I guess I'm learning more thing about you... I-I like the way your purring sounds

Echo: you do?

Nate: yep... it's relaxing!

Echo smiled as she gave Nate head rubs which made him smile and blush.

Echo: oh hey you know how you can name contacts on your phone

Nate: yeah

Echo: what did you name me?

Nate began to look shy.

Nate: uh.... W-what did you name me?

Echo: I named you baby boy of course, because your my baby, so what did you name me?

Nate looked very shy as he slowly pulled out his phone. His face then went red as he showed her his phone. On her contact Echo read the name "mommy" with a heart beside it. Echo smiled as her cheeks blushed a little. Echo then gave Nate a head pat.

Echo: aww good boy!

Echo then leaned forward and licked Nate on the cheek.

Brute Raptor Love (human Echo x OC) ( a Jurassic Love spin-off) Where stories live. Discover now