First Day And I'm Already Scared (re-edited)

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Quick disclaimer I really recommend if you haven't read the first story to read it, also I will be retconning a few things in, don't worry I'm not taking away anything just adding, so if you read the first story and notice a conversation for example, in this story that was also in the first story thats more longer than it was in the first story or an extra scene that wasn't included or mentioned in the first story then don't worry that's just me retconning, anyways enjoy the story.

Update: hello, I know I haven't updated that much and to tell you the truth I've lost interest in this app, however I know a lot of people enjoy my two stories and to be honest I'm not satisfied with how this story turned out, originally I planned to rewrite this whole story but after rereading it I've decided it just needs some adjustments, so if your rereading this story and notice some things differently then don't worry this isn't a Mandela effect thing, it's just me slowly making adjustments, I'll add something like "re-edited" to the story name when I'm done, after I'm done I probably won't be active anymore on this account but I might come back, who knows.

All of Nate's life he's been known as the weak kid, crybaby, effeminate or weakling, that's left him with little to no confidence or motivation, or at least a little because Nate though he could get his way out of that hole he was put into in life, how you ask, by getting a job at jurassicworld. But not just any job, a job as security for a paddock that the public did not know about. Maybe after that he could toughen up and people would see him different, instead of seeing him as a small meek person people would instead think he's a tough guy for being Park security for a amusement park that has real living dinosaurs and the best part was his older Brother Jack got a job there almost a month ago so it would be also fun... or at least that's what he thought. Turns out his job changed last minute, his brother switched jobs to be a human-Raptor hybrid trainer and someone had to fill in the job that he left and Nate was selected for that. Nate got this news a week before he had to go to the island to start his job, usually a person would be angry about the job shift but Nate was just happy he still had a job. As he was on the boat to the island he was thinking about his job while enjoying the warmth of the sun, Nate is very much an introvert and spent most his time inside leading to him having pale skin so feeling the natural warmth of the sun was something he really enjoyed that some people take for granted. As he was thinking about his job he was really hoping it would encourage him to grow more confidence. He also thought about the location he would be working at, human-Raptor hybrid paddock. He remembered during a briefing for the job he got via email he found out that in total the park has 5 hybrids and that the t-rex that they named Rexy was the first hybrid that was made, after the first park which was named Jurassic Park broke down and was abandoned, it wasn't another 21 years after the birth of Rexy until they made 4 human-Raptor hybrid siblings. Nate's thoughts were cut off by the boat making it to the dock.

Apparently he was so in thought that he didn't even hear the announcement on the speakers that they were there. He got off the boat and followed the crowd to the monorail where he got on, when he was on he noticed just how many people there were, he quickly put on a black face mask, Nate was a very shy person especially in public areas and when he feels shy he blushes which make him even more shy and self conscious of how he looks so whenever he's in a public space he wears his face mask to hide his face so he feels more confident and comfortable. He suddenly heard a voice on the speaker.

Speaker: ladies and gentlemen welcome to Jurassic World.

That's when gates in front of the monorail opened and the monorail went forward to reveal the park. The monorail passed by giving Nate just enough time to get a good look at the place. When the monorail got the station and Nate got out he was greeted by security who was waiting for him by a Jeep.

Park ranger #1: hello are you Mr. Addison?

Nate: uh y-yes... yyyou can call me Nate instead of my last name... i-if you want to

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