Dammit Stop Saying I Like Him (re-edited)

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Nate's shift ended, he decided to get some food at a restaurant along with his brother. There was a lot of people out at night. Nate decided to put on his face mask since the high amount of people around him made him overwhelmed. As he walked he was scanning the different restaurants they could go to.

Jack: hey what about this one?

Jack pointed to a bar and grill restaurant. Nate nodded and the two went in.

Echo's POV

Echo just finished her work out as she dropped the large rock she usually works out with. Afterwards she walked over to the gate area of the paddock and leaned against the wall by the gate.

Charlie: you look bored

Echo: ha! Damn right! Nothing really to do right now

Charlie: yeah especially with Nate not around

Echo: ......what do you mean by that?

Charlie: oh come on isn't it obvious? you obviously like him I mean you pick on and mess with him all the time

Echo paused for a moment as she was taken off guard.

Echo: HAHAHAHA! You really think I like that little twerp, oh please!

Charlie: it's pretty obvious to me, I find it ironic how you the one who hates humans out of all of us has feelings for one

Echo: damn it stop saying I like him! Unless your looking for some bruises!

Blue: will you guys please calm down! It's night time! I'm just trying to relax! Do you two ever calm down!

After hearing their oldest sister the two sisters calmed down and walked off.

Delta: thanks Blue, for a minute I thought another fight was gonna happen

Blue: no problem

Blue looked back to the direction she saw Echo walk to only to see she wasn't there, she looked around and still no Echo.

Blue: *sighs* it happened again...

Charlie: lol did she sneak out again?

Blue: yup...

Charlie: so you gonna go after her?

Blue: it's late and I'm tired, plus she'll probably come back before sun rise

Nate's POV

Nate and Jack were at a table eating. Jack was eating a steak while Nate was eating some noodles.

Jack: hey Nate, have the guards been bothering you still?

Nate: ...a little

Jack: hm, well I'll talk to Owen and see if we can get that fixed

Nate: thanks.... so I noticed you and that hybrid Blue talk a lot

Jack: oh haha yeah we've become good friends and she's helped me learn a lot about human Raptor hybrids, like did you know that they have retractable claws?

Nate: hmm interesting

Jack: but yeah we're pretty good friends!

Nate noticed Jack lightly blushing.

Nate: so.... does Echo really talk much to anyone?

Jack: uh not really, she mostly scares people for kicks and that's it, she only really talks to her sisters...

Nate: hmm...

Jack: why ask?

Nate: well she talks to me a little

Brute Raptor Love (human Echo x OC) ( a Jurassic Love spin-off) Where stories live. Discover now