Why Am I Feeling Like This (re-edited)

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It's been a week since what happened and it's been a whole month since Nate got the job.

Echo's POV

Echo was lying on a rock relaxing when she noticed Nate walking by the fence area.

Echo's mind: hmm haven't scared him in a while, I kinda miss hearing the way he screams

Echo got off the rock and slowly crept towards the fence. Finally when she was there she jumped at the fence and scared Nate

Nate: AAAAHHH!!!   


Nate: s-stop scaring me

Echo: ok ok sorry I had to do it one more time.... so I heard from your brother when he was having a conversation with Blue that your name was Nate right?

Echo's mind: what the hell! What kinda conversation opener is that?! you already knew that dumbass! You already knew his name, great now he's gonna think I don't don't give a shit!.... I mean... not that I care!

Nate: uh..... yeah

Echo: hehe your a little short for a guard

Echo's mind: of course he is you fucking dumbass!!! And You know he isn't a guard!!! What is wrong with me??!!! I'm not making any sense!!!

Echo began feeling overwhelmed, a feeling she's never really felt. Her mind felt like it went completely blank whenever she looked at Nate.

Nate: I'm not a guard

Echo: oh right...... you look for damages or thing that need to be repaired around here right?

Nate: yeah.....

Echo: alright well then have fun with your job... I'll be going off now to do better things... oh and.... Uh.... I remembered your name by the way... I just uh...

Echo's mind: shit shit shit! What do I say?!

Echo: I just woke up so my mind isn't completely awake- ok bye

Echo quickly walked away almost like she was in a rush.

Echo's mind: what the hells going on with me?!

That's when Echo felt her face warming up a bit.

Echo's mind: what the fuck is happening?! It can't be-

Echo's thoughts were cut off by her younger sister

Charlie: that's the first time I ever heard you apologize for scaring someone

Echo: shut up

Charlie: hehe I didn't know you liked shorter cute boys

Echo's mind: wait did she just call Nate cute?... again not that I care!

Echo: OH THAT IS SO IT!!!!!

Echo started fighting Charlie and Delta just noticed.

Delta: *sigh* oh my gosh!

Delta then walked over to them to try and break up the fight.

Delta: guys please calm down!

Delta placed herself between Echo and Charlie in hopes to break them up however that didn't really do much. Echo continued to shout at Charlie.

Echo: How dare you call Nate cute!!!

Charlie: wait what?!

Echo: ........uh.......

Echo's mind: shit shit shit!!! What did I just say?!

After an awkward silence Echo went back to trying to fight Charlie in hopes that she would forget what happened.

Delta: dammit will you two calm down already!!!

Eventually Delta's attempts to calm her two sisters down finally added up as they calmed down just as their oldest sister Blue got back from talking with Jack.

Charlie: ok ok relax! I was just joking and teasing you!

Echo: fine! .....whatever

Echo walked off as she thought about her conversation with Nate.

Echo's mind: I'm a damn mess right now.... I swear I'm going crazy or something...

Echo walked up to the gate section of the paddock and sat down with her head in her hands as she went deep into thought. That's when her thoughts were cut off by a familiar voice

Nate: you ok?

Echo: huh? Oh it's you, yes I'm fine and besides... why do you care?

Nate shrugged

Echo: well if you really wanna know I've just had an off day today, I can't think straight for shit right now

Nate: kinda like how you forgot my name and job earlier-

Echo: HEY!!! I didn't forget it! I was just... still waking up ok!

Nate nodded as he stared at her. Echo noticed Nate looking at her and his cheeks began slightly getting pink. This caused her cheeks to get pink as well to her surprise.

Echo's mind: damn it not this shit again!

Echo: w-what are you looking at you little.... Wimp!!!

Jack: hey Nate where are ya? Let's get going! Our shifts are over

Nate: oh uh... I gotta go, uh bye

Echo: yeah see ya or whatever

Nate walked off as Echo facepalmed to herself.

Echo's mind: it's like I suddenly don't know how to act around that one... what is happening to me...

Echo got up and walked as she thought more to herself. She knew her waking up was a lie, she was perfectly awake when it happened, in fact she knew exactly why she messed up so much while talking to him, she just didn't want to admit it.

Nate's POV

As Nate walked to his brother's jeep he noticed himself blushing.

Nate's mind: w-why is my face so warm.... A-and why is my heart beating so quick! M-my chest also feels warm?! .....uuuhh... why am I feeling like this?!

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