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7. [A normal day in my life]

I felt my body being rocked from side to side and finally I woke up, it was Oliver trying to wake me up, I looked at the window and the day was already dark, what time would it be?

I got up hastily worried, I arranged with my mother to pick up my father at the airport as soon as he arrived and it looks like I will be the one to delay everything.

Rebeca ━━━ what time is it?

Oliver ━━━ it's 19:13, you still have time, don't worry – he kissed my hand – you slept a long time, I managed to edit a part of the video while you slept and I did that, look – he indicated on the spread of the room which was next to the bed and there it was our son/daughter's ultrasound was printed there, which almost made me cry — I love you — kissed my tummy.

I can't believe that soon I'll be with a huge belly, with bigger breasts than they already areand with a huge hatred and anger too, how long will I be able to hide that I'm pregnant? Maybe this week I'll talk to my parents.

Rebecca ━━━ We love you too — I kissed him — if I were free today, we could, you know... I could ride on you, I need to.

Oliver ━━━ and you will, but not today my beautiful.

Rebecca ━━━ my mom is going to kill me — I said looking at all the notifications coming on my phone, four missed calls and seven messages from my mom bombing me over this — she's so upset with me, I'm going to call her.

Oliver ━━━ I can take you.

Rebecca ━━━ I'll call her and ask what she prefers.

Oliver ━━━ it's okay my love — he kissed my forehead — I don't want to hear you screaming at each other, call me when you're done.

Rebecca ━━━ I won't be long, but it's okay — I said and he left the room.

Call On ☎️

Mom ❤️: You finally replied, where are you Rebecca, I told you you had to be home by six o'clock, didn't I tell you, where are you?

Rebeca: Mom, I'm at Oliver's house, sorry but I just fell asleep, I just woke up and saw your messages now, I'm sorry.

Mom ❤️: It's always Oliver, it's always your boyfriend Rebecca, can't you see? I want you here in five minutes, or I'm going over there, since you never let me pick you up, this is my chance to finally get to know this new house.

Rebecca: Mom, please stop blaming Oliver, I don't understand you, we always fight and when it's about dad you involve Oliver, I'm sick of it, he's my boyfriend, he's the father...

Mom ❤️: what did you say? I couldn't hear it properly, the cell phone in the living room is ringing, but anyway, I just don't want you to get lost because of it and be very careful with what you're doing, I was your age too.

Rebeca: Okay mom, I don't want to make you mad at me, we'll meet at the airport, because if we come home we'll be too late, I love you, bye.

Mom ❤️: I love you, it's okay sweetie, see you there.

Call Off

I took everything that was mine, changed my clothes, since I was wearing an Oli shirt and was only wearing panties, put on my clothes, fixed my hair, took my bag, my cell phone and went to the living room but they were all talking in the kitchen, I approached.

Darren ━━━ are you leaving?

Rebecca ━━━ yes, I have to pick up my dad from the airport.

Sebastian ━━━ Are you going with Oliver or me?

Rebecca ━━━ I don't know, whatever to me, I just have to get there ASAP.

Regie ━━━ I think Oli took the car out of the garage — he said and went after his friend.

Rebecca ━━━ boys I'm leaving, be well.

"Bye Rebecca" — everyone said and I left the house, Oliver and Regie were waiting for me in the car.

Rebecca ━━━ you're not going to believe what my mom said.

Regie ━━━ what happened?

Rebecca ━━━ just because of this delay she was talking a lot of nonsense, saying that it's Oliver's fault, I don't understand, she loves you, she follows you on Instagram, she watches your videos, always asks how we are, always supports us, but when my dad's around, she's always disagreeing with me, she's always agreeing with what my dad says, twists everything she says, it's against you, I hate it, she keeps being fake, and then she says "I just said that so I wouldn't disagree with your dad, but I like Oliver a lot" this is stressful.

Oliver ━━━ it's okay love — he put his hand on my thigh — I don't care, I care about you, how do you feel about this whole situation?

Rebecca ━━━ I get sad and angry, all at the same time I even almost said that you are the father of my child, luckily the cell phone at home started to ring and she didn't hear, if she heard my world would be upside down and she would be peppering me with questions.

Regie ━━━ It was close, but eventually you'll have to tell your parents Becca, there's no turning back.

Rebecca ━━━ I know bro.

Regie ━━━ We will support you in everything.

During the drive from home to the airport we were talking, laughing and planning various things as usual.

We arrived at the airport and my mother was already there waiting for me, the boys were talking to my mother, and for sure she realized that something was not right, Oliver was practically shaking just talking to her, imagine him talking to my father.

Rebecca ━━━ hey baby, come here.

Oliver ━━━ what happened? — hugged me — what's wrong baby?

Rebecca ━━━ you're all nervous talking to my mom, I don't want you to click your tongue.

Oliver ━━━ I didn't say much, I left her talking to Regie I was just listening to their conversation, your mother loves Regie.

Rebecca ━━━ I know, but I love you so more, you know? — I kissed him — I love you so much.

Rachel ━━━ hey, Rebecca — scolding me — this is no place for that, soon your father will arrive.

Rebecca ━━━ alright mom — I kept hugging Oliver — you noticed this is her way of saying 'I think they better go' — I said in his ear and we laughed.

Oliver ━━━ let's go then — kissed my cheek — Regie is getting late."

Regie ━━━ yes, we have to leave — he said, turning his attention to my mother — be well.

Rachel ━━━ thanks for bringing Rebecca, drive carefully.

Oliver ━━━ yes, you're welcome — he gave me one last kiss — I love you my princess, bye.

Rebecca ━━━ bye baby — I left him and they left.

I was still upset with my mom so I didn't want to talk to her so I put my headphones on, put on some music and waited for my dad.

It didn't take about 15 minutes and there he was, with his bags coming towards us smiling like never before, my mom ran into his arms and they hugged each other, it's been two months since my dad left, I missed him, I ran to them and hugged them both

Rebecca ━━━ I missed you so much dad, I love you so much.

William ━━━ I missed you too my love, it seems you've grown more daughter, you've gained weight too, how nice — he hugged me again — I love you my princess — kissed my forehead.

17 Years and Pregnant ❝ 𝔒𝔩𝔦𝔳𝔢𝔯 𝔐𝔬𝔶 ❞Where stories live. Discover now