Part 25

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"I am so incredibly proud of my mate, she is amazing to have overcome the things she has and she is the most beautiful wolf I have ever met" I gush like a schoolboy with his first crush to anyone who will listen, this time it was to the head guard who was called Tom and planning my wolf training, he smiles dreamily.

"I know exactly how you feel, my mate and I had a rocky beginning but when we finally got through that I would not spend a single moment apart, Grey my mate is over there training with the children." he passes a dreamy wave at the small light-haired wolf who blushes and waves back, it's strange to see such a mountain of a man going all goofy for a small wolf but it was very obvious to see their connection, the wolf he gestured to seemed to have a very kind but strong nature also having patience for the children but also not letting them walk all over him, it was a skill I admired.

"my mate is taking a walk with Alpha Jasmine," I say being careful not to stumble and call her less than the alpha.

"It takes some adjusting to get used to having two Alphas doesn't it?" Tom asks,

"I am just trying my best to be respectful they have been so kind to us"

"Alpha James and Jasmine are the kindest wolves let alone Alphas you are ever likely to meet, I am not even saying that because I am family." a deep voice says from behind me.

"to what do we owe a visit from the head guard of the Argon family pack?" Tom says with humour.

"ah tom is always happy to see me, I am Xach and as he said I am the head guard and also Alpha James' cousin nice to meet you," he says extending his hand towards me.

"Forgotten me already? it's not like I saved your life or anything," I say and shake his hand but before I can say anything else his smile widens.

"Ah the silver bullet sniper, of course, how could I forget the sexy scars you saved me from, I hear you tried to save Belle, my mate is her best friend!" he says excitedly and now it was my turn to smile.

"I am glad she is doing well, how are the twins?"

"the ones she had or her mates?" I ask watching his eyes dance with humour.

"the ones she had are scarily smart, the ones she is dating much the same as they were, entirely besotted by her, one is the pack photographer and the other is busy meddling with any vehicle he can manage to get his hands near but they are all doing well and belle is undeniably happy. "

"I am very glad to hear that and I will make sure to check in on them myself when I have got my mate and cubs settled in,"

"well, I never! The infamous Ezra settled down after all?"

"and had triplets," I say smiling wider still at the shock written all over his face.

"Ezra, your sister is in the hospital wing, she went into labour this afternoon, Alpha James would have passed on the message personally but you are not under his pack link just yet, your mate had gone to be by her side do you want to join her?" tom asks.

"thank you very much tom, I best make tracks, it was nice to meet you Xach I will need to catch up with you at some point about joining your guard force."

"with your history sign up for training tomorrow you are in."

I bow to him quickly before following toms directions to the hospital wing. 

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