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This is one on fav song and k drama.


Next morning....

Y/n pov

Like always today also I didn't get much sleep. I have slept only for 3 -4 hrs.

Me: These pills are having no effect on me now. I should get new ones.

I did my morning routine & went downstairs....

(Ignore bag)

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(Ignore bag)

I saw everyone sitting there already. I went to sit beside minji & beside me was no one. I greeted everyone & started eating my breakfast when Mr. Kim spoke

Mr. Kim: y/n & minji u will go with ur brothers to school in their car.

Me: Mr. Kim I will go by my bike. Minji can go with them..

Mr. Kim: but y/-

Me: please Mr. Kim understand*cold*

Mr. Kim: okay*sad*

Me: Mr. Kim please don't be like this. I am sorry but It's not like I always want to disrespect ur opinion but I have my reasons for this. I hope u understand*cold*

Mr. Kim: it's okay I respect ur decision*smile*

Me: thanks.*cold*

Then I left to school on my bike & minji came with them.....


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I left my bike few meters away from school not because I hate attention but because I want to walk. After reaching school I directly went to principal office with the help of the map , took my schedule & locker number from there & went to the class and sat on the last seat near the window... Then teacher came..

?? : oh today we have a new student. Come & introduce yourself..

Me: Hello I am Lee Y/n.19 yrs old*cold*

?? : I am Park sehun. U can call me Mr. Kang and I am ur homeroom teacher.

Me: okay Mr. Park*cold*

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