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<Before starting i wanna say that y/n always talk in cold voice and if there are any changes in her tone then i will write otherwise it is always the same tone.>


Taehyung pov:::::

Upside down...

I saw a guy chocking y/n neck while she was trying to free herself from his grip.
I opened the door fully and tries to step inside without making a noise but he saw through the mirror and started running to the window but i grabbed the vase near me and smashed it hard on his head  and he lost his consciousness and fell on the ground. I ran to y/n who was coughing badly and rubbed her back and give her some water to drink by which she calmed down. Then I called for hyungs...


They along with minji came all running and was also shocked to see me i think but then yoongi hyung spike taking all their attention ⚠️


BTS pov (except tae)

As soon as tae left minji came down..

Minji: Hello oppas.. 😁

Us: Hello sweetie/doll/beautiful❤

Minji: Jin ippa where is tae oppa? 🧐

Jin : He went to bring y/n..

Minji: oh okay 👌

We all continued talking when we heard tae voice...


We all rushed upstairs to y/n room and saw tae rubbing her back then suga / suga hyung said something which caught all of our attention...

Yoongi/Y. Hyung: Who is he?

But what y/n said made us more shocked 😱



Y/n pov( all cold voice)

I was sleeping peacefully while listening to songs when I felt some movement in the room. I opened my eyes and saw a man in bodyguard uniform in my room. I plucked out my earphones and said.

Me: Who are u ?

Man: Long time no see baby. Did u forget me? I am hurt.

Me: Baby? Shut the fuck up and tell me who are you?

Man: Aww baby I am Sung -Ho. My love.

Mind: Sung -ho sung-ho sung-ho  ahh

Me: Oh so u are Sung - Ho. The crazy stalker whom I have told many times to piss off but that Buffalo brain of urs didn't get it.

Sung-Ho: Crazy Stalker u say. But i love u more than anyone. Even no one cares about u in this house.

Me: Just mind ur own business. Atleast they have some self respect that when I tell them to piss off they do not like u shameless dog wagging ur tail all around me everytime.

Sung- ho: You bitch how dare u. I have had enough of u and now I am asking u last time. Be mine.

Me: Never. Now fuck off.

Sung - Ho: ha hahaha. Do u think I would let u go so easily. IF U CAN'T BE MINE U CAN NEVER BE ANYONE'S. I WILL KILL YOU.

With that he came towards me. I tried fighting with him but my injuries weren't helping it. I kicked on his stomach and tried to slap him but he caught my hand the hovered above me and started chocking me.

Sung- Ho: Die u bitch .Die.

But soon the door opened and taehyung ssi entered and knocked him down and them the rest of them came while I calmed down.

Yoongi : Who is he?

Me: Stalker..

Jimin: Full story?

Me: tch... His real name is Lee Taemin(not shinee Taemin).In my previous school he used to like me and even proposed me once but i rejected him. For few days nothing happened but then suddenly from one day i started getting love letters under the name Sung - Ho but still I ignored them and threw them in dustbin. For 3 months it continued but then the love letters turned into death threats for not accepting his love. So i wrote a letter with lot of good words  and told him to piss off. I was going to deliver that letter to him but because of mrs. Kim news of marriage I forgot and then a lot of things happen and I forgot even about him but today he barged in through the window and told me that "if I can't be his I can never be anyone's " And started chocking me. That's it.

Minji: unnie... It would have been so hard on u. Why didn't u told me? What if something would have happened to u?

Minji started crying and hugged me.

Me: it's okay minji. I am fine so stop crying.

I patted her head..

Hobi: He is wearing our bodyguard unit dress.

Namjoon: Jkcan u turn him around. Let me see his face.

He turned his unconscious body around .

Jimin: Wasn't he the one who was recuireted  1 month ago.

Jin: Take him to basement and I'll call police.

Then jk and jimin hyungs took him away..

Jin: Y/n u just rest and ur food will come here in the room and here my number call me if u need anything.

Me: hmm. Thanks.

With that they all left and after a few minutes a maid came in with my food .I ate it and layed down on my bed .

knock knock

Me: come in 

Jin hyung: y/n your medicines.

Me: oh

I pulled out my hand and he put medicines on it .I gulped them down & again layed on my bed and he left .As soon as he went out I pulled my drawers and took sleeping pills and swallowed them and slept.







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