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Tae pov

Today we all came with our separate cars and now minji is going back to home with me.I was driving when suddenly minji spoke taking all my attention.

Minji: Oppa look at these puppies they are so cute.

Me: Yesss..

And being an animal especially puppy lover i got engaged with her in the pics but suddenly a bike rode near our car taking all my attention and to avoid the accident i did 60 degree turn and our car went on other side and slightly bumped into a banner. 

Me: Are u okay minji?

Minji: yes oppa i am fine what about u.

Me: I am also okay.

Then i saw the bike and recognised that it was of y/n.I walked out and angrily and started moving towards her and she also came towards me with her weak and injured body.

Me: Are u out of your mind.What the heck do you think you are doing huh?

As soon as i said this she fainted and was about to fall back but i caught her. I picked her bridal style and laid her on the car back seat.Seeing her minji got tensed and tears welled up in her eyes.

Minji: W-What h-happened to u-unnie o-oppa.

Me: She was the one who was driving the bike

Then we went to the hospital nearby and i also informed the hyung about the situation and they came to hospital 10 mins later after we reach.

Me: Yoongi hyung did u bring what i said.

Yoongi hyung: Here.

I asked him to bring the cctv footage of the road because at that time when i got out of car i saw a truck passing right next to me and it's driver was hitting on the handle aggresively .And yeah my doubt was right the aim of the truck was our car but y/n came in between and saved us.

Me: How can i be so careless.

Minji:I- It w-was m-my fault o-oppa if i s-shouldn't have d-distracted you then this w-wouldn't  have  h-happened.B- Because of me y/n unnie is there .B- Because of me unnie is in so much pain.

She was sobbing badly as she also saw the video with me.

Jin: She will be fine princess. Don't worry.

Then doctor came out and we all went to him but the first one was minji.

Minji: How is doctor?

Doctor: Her right hand is fractured and her right legs muscles are torned apart because her leg got stucked b/w her vehicle and road and was dragged to some point as u told .So she cannot walk for atleast 2 weeks .Rest everything is fine.

Jin: Okay thank you doctor.

Minji: Can we meet her doctor.

Doctor: yeah sure.She's been shifted to ward 45.

Then we all went towards her and saw her pale boy lying on the bed . Hands and legs covered with bandages and plaster and few scrates on her faces. This was nothing for us because we have seen or done worse condition of people than this but i thik minji couldn't hold this so she ran away but we were also about to leave behind her but we heard a groan and saw her slowly opening her eyes.


Y/n pov

As soon as i slightly moved my body i regretted it pain took all over my body and a groan left my mouth . I tried opening my eyes but closed it suddenly due to extreme light and opened it again after few second . By the look i can tell it was a hospital room and i saw all those seven devils of my life or should i say step brothers standing there near the door. I one by one eyed them but as soon as my eyes fell on taehyung anger took over me. I removed all the neddles attached to me and stood up only to fall again on the bed but i didn't care less i stood again forgetting all the stinking pain in my body and went to him while limping.

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