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Time skip

Next to next morning(Sunday)

Y/N pov

At 6 am

I woke up and did my morning routine. Yesterday they took me out in the morning & then i didn't leave my room & today i need to go to meet bora and jihoon.

 Yesterday they took me out in the morning & then i didn't leave my room & today i need to go to meet bora and jihoon

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After getting ready i went downstairs to leave but 

(all talk with bts is in cold tone)

Taehyung : were are u going so early in the morning.

Me: Orphanage.

Jk: Why?

Me: To meet bora & jihoon.

Minji: Let me also join unnie . u know how much i like kids.

Me: Okay.... come.

Jk: I am also coming.

Me: why u hyung?

Jk: because i can't trust my minji with u. What if something happen to her while u are not paying attention to her.

Although i didn't showed or said anything but it still hurted a little when he said that i won't be able to take care of my minji. How can he say that before they came i was the one who took care of her and now she is not safe with me .WOAH these bitches who do they think they are but as far as minji is happy i will not do anything i can't see her being sad even for that i have to listen to these taunts.

I just nod and went outside with those two dorks and my SISTER  but as we were about to leave other 5 dorks also came and joined us. I went with my bike and they with car.

At orphanage

As soon as we entered a lady in her 40s came to us.

Lady: Hello sirs and mams .I am Shin Rui Han. Please tell me how can i help you.

Me: Hello i am Lee Y/n. I am here to meet bora and jihoon.

Rui Han: May i know what is ur relationship with them.

Me: I am their distant relation noona.

Rui Han: oh okay . Please wait here i will call them. They are in the playground

Me: No wait I will go there.

Rui Han: Sure. This way please.

Then we followed her and reached playground.

Rui Han: bora and jihoon see who came to meet u.

bora & jihoon: NOONA / UNNIE

They came and hugged me and i hugged back and parted away after 2 minutes.

bora: unnie who are they?

I looked back and saw minji and them standing there.

Me: she is my sister minji and they are my step brothers .

Then they all introduced themselves and bora take minji and others with her to play.

Me: so jihoon how's ur study going on?

Jihoon: really good noona.

Me: so tell me what do u wanna become when u complete ur studies.

Jihoon: noona i wanna be a doctor and u make u proud.

Me: I am always proud of u jihoon but remember to not overwork and take good care of ur health. i don't want u to overwork.Okay.

Jihoon: Okay noona.

Then we talked some more about jihoon and bora life until they all played and then we went to home , ate dinner and left to sleep.


Time skip (at 4 am in morning)

Author's Pov

creak (door opening)

tak tak tak tak..

A man came in passing all the bodies laid on the ground .He was wearing all black clothes and a hat & holding a lavishing gun in his hand.

man: is it done?

man 2: n-not yet boss.

after hearing this the man or u could say the boss got angry and slapped the other man hard .

Boss: What the hell are u best hacker for .You fucking can't find a single password * angry and scary*

???: HAHAHAHAH.U b-bastard u will n-never be able to break it.

said the man who was tied and lying kind of lifeless on the ground because of the beating and a gun shot in his abdomen which was bleeding badly.

Boss: Shut it u fucker and just tell me the password*slaps the fucker*

???: I will never tell u.

Boss: that's it say ur last words bastard*said while pointing his gun at other man head*

???: I l-love you s-stay s-safe a-and p-please b-be h-happy*small smile*

Boss: Are u out of ur mind 

the boss was confused as why he said those words but little did he know there was a little girl hiding far from there inside the small closet who was watching all the scenes unfold infront of her and was sobbing silently .

lil girl: I love u too dad* sobbing and silently*

Boss: time to go bastard.



lil girl : NO


Y/ N pov

me: NO

I woke up being all sweat and panting. I wobbly reached my cupboard and took my depression pills and again went to my bed and curled myself up while trying to stabilize my trembling body. After few minutes when my body calmed down i plugged in my earphone and went to balcony for fresh air.

Time skip(After school)

Today bts came in separate cars and now minji is going with taehyung hyung.

Me: bye hyung and unnie.

BH/YS/IU: bye baby/ darling/chubby

Then i left behind minji and taehyung hyung's car. After some time i saw a truck coming towards their car and i saw hyung was not paying attention to the road. The truck was looking like it was coming intentionally towards the car. My mind went blank i couldn't think of anything but suddenly an idea came into my mind and i knew i can get hurt in this but nothing is more important to me than minji. She is the only one i have and if something happened to her then i will not be able to live. Then i rode full speed and overtook their car while passing very closly to it and as expected hyung turned his handle and the car went on another road while my bike slipped and dragged a little far away and the truck noticing the situation left straight. I got up and started moving towards the car but i was felling an endless pain in my leg and my head felt heavy and dizzy  but i ignored it and went towards them. Hyung got out of his car and came towards me angrily and gripped my hand tightly and said

Taehyung hyung: Are u out of ur mind. What the heck do u think u r doing.

These were the last words i heard before i blacked out.







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