Part 4

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Stephanie is only less than a 2 months till her due date and she is at home watching TV in the living room, so she decided to go upstairs for a nap for a few hours before everyone comes home, she groans out in pain but doesn't want to think about the pain while getting comfortable on her bed.

Stephanie wakes up from her nap and makes her way downstairs, she turned on the television, she feels a twinge but pushes the feel away and continues to watch the tv.

Everyone comes home from either work or school, Stephanie can't keep ignoring the pain that she is in, she let's out a groan, then stefan told his wife that by the looks of things, time to go to the hospital.

Stephanie's labor lasted between 12 and 19 hours, the twins made an appearance, everyone that Stephanie knows came into the hospital room to see her and the new born twins, they brought her and the girls some gifts whilst stephanie recovered from giving birth.

stephanie was allowed to go home after three to fives days after the twins birth.

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