Continued 14

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chapter warnings:  very dom zemo, very sub Bucky and Reader, story typical bondage, intense shaming and punishment, use of the readers safe word (please, if it's too much just skip this chapter, you can pick up in the next and it'll just just fine :)


Well he's got anticipation figured out that's for sure. If anyone knows how to use excitement and fear of the unknown, it's Helmut Zemo.

You feel a little smile curl your lips before it fades as the ache in your knees comes back. You've been on them for a while now in the hallway outside of the master bedroom damn near wringing your hands behind your back because "what was coming" was this.

The two of you followed Zemo down into the den until he turned around to grab Bucky by the back of his neck, pulling him close. You pressed your lips tight as you followed with your head down and eyes up, but in the threshold of the hallway Zemo turned towards you, still keeping Bucky held firm in his left hand while pointing the finger of his right in your face.

"Get down, don't move, and wait your turn" He'd said, and with such authority you only whispered your reply and lowered "Hands behind your back"He'd scolded and you did, watching as their feet went together, Bucky stumbling along beside him as Helmut pulled the soldier into the bedroom.

You'd been expecting him to slam the door shut, but a master of torment, he'd left it wide open knowing you wouldn't be able to see in— but you would be able to hear.

You'd snapped to attention, your eyes wide at the first sound of Bucky's response to what you imagined were Zemo's assortment of punishments.

Every moan, every cry, every wonderful "Yes and no Baron" had your heart racing and your body aching to be touched at the same time.

Sometimes the room would grow very quiet; you could only hear the low rumble of their voices as they spoke to one another, and others, Bucky was very loud...

They've been in there a while now.

You've been listening, straining your ears to hear more, wishing you could get up and get closer to try and see because you want to know what he's doing, maybe then you'll know what he's got planned for you? Maybe not. Either way this is pure agony.

And then you hear the crack of Zemo's belt.

You jump at first, startled by the sound of leather on flesh. You flinch with every smack, Bucky's muffled grunts and stifled shouts making your heart rate rise as you breathe harder.

When you shut your eyes, the sound stops and Zemo calls your name after the seventh strike.

"Come here." He says knowing you can hear him.

You chew at your bottom lip, hesitant. All you've wanted is to go in and join them but now you suddenly find your place on the floor to be really very comfortable.

You're taking too long, literally dragging your feet once you're on them. He shouts your name this time and you spring to attention quickly making your way.

You step into the large bedroom and force yourself to look, gasping the tiniest bit when you see Bucky on his knees bent over the edge of the bed, legs apart, ass bright red. You look away even though you've seen him in so many submissive positions, it's still jarring.

You hear your name much more softly this time, but still with such an edge to it. Your eyes flick over focusing on Zemo who stands in the center of the room. His dark patterned Tom Ford robe hangs open and you swallow at the sight of his broad chest and the thin chain shimmering in the bedroom light. His black briefs keep his most intimidating feature concealed while his long, finely muscled legs hold a stance that makes you think he might come and grab you at any second, but he doesn't.

Pleasure Remains the Same -Helmut Zemo(eventual winterbaron) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now