Continued 24

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Authors notes: Sorry for the late post! Okay so as the story wraps, I feel like I need to defend my trio by saying they deserve to have a well rounded finish so there will be a lot more plot, thanks for sticking with the story! 


The wild antics of the week prove to be a very cruel reminder of the yacht. All of this deviant fun... all of this love, and all of it ending soon. It's getting old honestly.

Quiet times like this afternoon are even worse. All there is to do is think. And now, as your mid-day movie has been interrupted— speculate.

"How long until he lets us in on that conversation?" Bucky asks you from his spot on the couch. He's lying on his back, arm behind his head, one leg up over the back cushions. You're curled up at the other end picking at your slouchy socks and peek over your knees. The movie plays on but you're both only half watching now, instead too busy trying to listen to Zemo who is pacing in the garden just outside the den where you'd all come down earlier.

The room is below ground level with black metal steps perfect contrast to the soft vintage warmth of the room that leads up and out to the small green space behind the house. When Zemo answered his phone, he kept it cool and slipped out the smoky glass door, but try as he might, his behavior didn't go unnoticed. It was all too— easy.

You both have been trying to hear, but it's damn near impossible, even with the volume of the tv turned down low.

"Stop snoring Ada" You grumble and drop your foot from the brown leather sofa giving her a little shove. It works for all of half a second before she opens one blue eye, snorts and falls back asleep to snore again.

"Business?" You try guessing.

Zemo has his back to you now, standing there with his hand in his pocket looking at a bird in the bath maybe? He's tense, that's for sure. "Maybe it's got something to do with the attack from Bruno? Or maybe even the Power Broker again?" You glance over at Bucky and see how these names draw him out of his relaxed state and back into his ever dangerous reality. He slowly pulls himself up to sitting. 

"You shouldn't worry about that stuff." He dismisses your guesses, glancing at you before looking at Zemo, with a tightly clenched fist you notice. It's such a natural reflex he probably doesn't even realize it anymore, but you'll always see how he protects you both. 

"What do you mean?" You ask, ignoring the fist, focusing on his profile.

"Really, you leave this stuff to us and we'll keep you safe..." He mumbles sitting back. Bucky grabs the remote from the side table and mutes the tv. "You don't need to get involved"

"That's very insulting. I would expect better from you Barnes." You say not actually offended, but you can't let it slide. Still, you can see he's just talking to talk. Bucky's worried and saying nonsense. He knows you're too deep in the mud to ever get out and you'd never want to.

Bucky pulls a face, clearly confused. "Wait...What'd you say?" You don't even think he knows he's been talking, he's too focused on trying to read Zemo's lips. 

"Bucky, I'm a grown woman, it would be dangerous and pretty irresponsible if I didn't know who was after us all the time. Or should I say who's after Helmut. Shit it could be Sam for all I know, calling to say hi before the Dora Milaje come to haul him back to the raft."

Pleasure Remains the Same -Helmut Zemo(eventual winterbaron) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now