VIII. hint

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It was another day at Fukurodani Academy. The noise are familiar and so are the students bustling in the hallways as the lunch bell rang.

You swiftly made your way towards the rooftop to eat lunch. You would eat your lunch alone or with Bokuto, occasionally. But Tournament season was nearing and you understood why he was busy these days.

The caller didn't falter with Keiji's threat, if you could even call that a threat to begin with. You have figured out the pattern of his calls. Morning before school, afternoon during lunch, and at night after club hours. He was so obvious.

Today you finally decided to answer it.

"When are you planning to stop, Kiyo-kun?" You sigh and answered as a smile formed on your lips as the familiar nickname left your lips.

"I was just having a good feeling that today's the day you won't ignore me. How have you been, (Y/n)-chan?"

"I'm fine, I guess. How's Itachiyama?" You asked your former training partner. Sakusa Kiyoomi.

"Still Itachiyama. The senpais miss you, you totally cut off all your connections from us."

"Yeah, and here I am wondering how the hell did you get a hold of my number."

Sakusa Kiyoomi wasn't only your training partner. He was your friend, your classmate, and anger absorber before you started attending high school. You considered him your best friend.

"Well, who do you think am I? Don't ignore my calls from now on. You don't know how much effort I've put to get everyone's shit together when you left."

"It wasn't easy for me either, Kiyo."

"I know. And I accept the fact that you transferred schools for your peace of mind, but can't you exclude me from that? This yearly calls are about to make my head explode, I hate this."

Silence engulfed both lines. You hung your head low and sniffed.

"You're talkative, Kiyo-kun. You've change-"

"I did not change. I just want to tell you a lot of things, just in case you change your number again like last year. It would be difficult to reach out to you again. And like I told you, I hate this. Who are you even talking to these days?"

"You hate this more than germs?" You asked jokingly.

"I'm not even joking right now but I still hate germs the same."

You let out a small chuckle, he was such a big fool. And you missed this fool.

"Kiyo, I have a... friend. He told me to rest easy," you comfortably told him what's on your mind lately. You smiled with his response.

"Would you like to talk about it on our day off?"

"Yeah, let's meet."


Kuroo was in deep thoughts after your encounter with him a few days ago. He couldn't help but think about how you're already growing, like he was the one who raised you. A crush? He looked over Kenma most of the time during practice, wondering if your brother knows about this. Probably not.

"Oi Kenma, what do you think about having crushes?" The tall black haired third year approached Kenma while they were cleaning. Club hours are over and they just needed to head back.

"What are you, five?" Kenma responded with a bored look.

It wasn't me! It was your sister!

Kuroo was having a hard time but he couldn't possibly snitch on you. You would kill him.

"Do you have a crush, Kuroo-san?" Lev appeared out of nowhere. Kuroo swung his arm around Lev's shoulder.

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