Chapter 13: A bit of fun

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"Merlin used to be the best swordsman in all of the kingdoms," Ezy remarked, smirking.

"Really?" Lancelot said surprised, "as far as I know Merlin is better at fighting with magic. Arthur says Merlin is clumsy with a sword."

"Arthur doesn't know how good I am," I said.

"Shall we duel, sire? I must see your talents," Lancelot said mock bowing.

"This is all your fault, Esmeralda!" I groaned.

"Merlin hates sword fighting," Ezy added.

"All the better," said Lancelot.

And we started.

"I'm not good with un-magical swords. So it's not my fault if I lose," I declared.

"Did you have a magical sword?"


"It's not your fault if you lose,'s mine," Lancelot taunted.

Then, he threw an aim at my chest which I dodged, and another at my shoulder. Block. Hit. Block. Hit. Block. Lancelot's sword was thrown to the ground and he just barely missed a strike from me.

"Esmeralda, sword please!" He yelled.

She threw it to him. Lance swung at me again but didn't succeed. Another five tries didn't do him any favour either.

"Do you give up? Am I the winner?" I asked him.

"We don't know for sure yet," he said, striking again.

He had almost gotten me down after several tries but, as I fell I pulled him down with me. I struck again and this time Lance dove under my arm to avoid the blow.

"You're good, Merlin," he said breathlessly.

"I've only just started."

Another swing from Lance. I ducked, tripped him over, and held a sword to his chest.

"Do you surrender?" I asked.

"Yes, you win," he panted.

I gave him my hand and pulled him off the ground.

"Don't worry," Ezy said, "nobody wins against Merlin."

"Thank you, princess," Lance said, making Ezy giggle. "I'd like to see you fight Arthur, Merlin."

"He thinks he's the best." I imagined winning against Arthur, the look on his face would be priceless. "Come on. Let's get going."

We climbed back onto our horses and set off towards Camelot.

"Also Merlin, I knew it was you who led the bandits here," Lancelot said, rolling his eyes.

"Well, I had to do something."

"Hurry up, stop lagging!" Ezy yelled from ahead.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" I cried, looking at the mess in Arthur's room.

"Nobody cleaned my room! That's what happened!" He yelled back.

Arthurs clothes were everywhere, his bed was a disaster, and papers were strewn all over the place.

"I don't know why Gwen married you when you can't even clean your room," I smirked.

"Shut up, Merlin..." he warned.

"Or else?" I asked, raising his anger.

"This," and then he threw a pillow at me. I caught it and threw it straight back at him which seemed to enrage him even more. He picked up the next closest object he could get his hands on (his blankets) and threw them at me. At that exact moment, Gwen came in with Esmeralda.

"What is going on here?" Gwen questioned knowingly.

"I'm making Merlin," He glowered towards me as he said my name "clean my room."

'It looks more like a pillow fight," Gwen said, raising her eyebrow in a Gaius-like manner.

"Maybe we could help," Ezy stepped in.

"Yes, seeing as there is so much to tidy it would be a help to Merlin. Arthur, you have to help too," the queen demanded.

"Fine," Arthur moaned.

We started in different corners of the room picking things up and putting them back in their places. Suddenly, I felt something small hit me at the back of my head. I turned around to see Arthur smirking at me. It looked like he was holding buttons. I looked down by my feet and saw what hit me in the head: a button.

So, Arthur wants a fight? A fight he will get. I turned around grabbing the button off the ground. Hopefully, no one was looking because I was about to do some magic.

"write þas gelicnesse," I whispered, making several duplicates of the button.

I spun around facing Arthur and threw the circular button right at the back of his neck.

"Oi!" He shouted, "where did you get all those from?" He asked, pointing to the buttons in my hand.

"Found them under your bed, Arthur. I didn't know you liked sewing, maybe Gwen could give you some lessons."

"That's it," then he started pelting buttons at me and I did the same back.

Gwen and Ezy joined in too, we had completely forgotten about cleaning. It was a feeling of happiness I rarely ever felt, knowing that you have friends and family by your side. I almost forgot to keep my magic hidden in the excitement. We all sat on the bed laughing.

Nothing could ruin the moment, not even the thought of Morgana could bring me down. I felt assured that everything was going to be alright. I forgot every worry of the world, the burden of my destiny had disappeared. For once I truly felt free.

"We've had enough fun now," Gwen said "We've got to pick these buttons up, it seems there are more since we started throwing them around."

I winked at Ezy whose eyes went wide in realization she gave me a disapproving look but I just shrugged. The days after that went by uneventfully. Ezy and I did our jobs as servants. I was running around after Arthur. Ezy spent her free time with Lancelot.

Gaius once yelled at me for un-organizing his potion stock but, otherwise, it was quite peaceful. I was walking back to my chambers after a busy day of work when I felt a strong magical presence nearby. Being me I went to investigate. I went into a small hallway where the magic seemed more powerful.

"Ah, Merlin. Just the one servant I was looking for," a cruel bitter voice said behind me.


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