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You were abused neglected by your entire family favoring your little sister's Yang and ruby because they could use aura and had semblances.

During training you would be beaten to near death. Look every day your family cheered on your sister she probably beat you with ruby throwing rocks the whole time at you to distract you.

Qrow: " Yeah and ruby are definitely going to be huntresses when they grow up cancel the same for that kid.

Raven: " The weak die in the strong live qrow and he is definitely weak.

Yang: " Get up loser.

Yang I'm trying to punch you but you Finally snapped up to all the beatings you've taken and grab your fist taking a broken stick and wacking her hard in the head leaving a cut on her face.


(Y/n): " I....I was de....defending myself.

Tai over and kicked you hard in the stomach call him caution to fly in hair tree in cough blood. Raven try to take a swing at you with her Sword but was stopped when another blade stopped hers midway and everyone was shocked this sea who it was.

 Raven try to take a swing at you with her Sword but was stopped when another blade stopped hers midway and everyone was shocked this sea who it was

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Summer: " Touma?

Touma: " I'm very disappointed in all of you hurting an innocent kid this way.

Raven: " Back off Tomah were punishing him.

Raven takes another swing at you but once again Touma intervenes and kicks her hard in the stomach sending her back.

Touma: " You're not hurting him I'm taking him with me.

Summer: " You're not taking my baby anywhere.

(Y/n): "Please take me away.

Whole family watched as they see you crying holy on the Thomas leg leg like your life depended on it.

(Y/n) crying: " I c...can't SNIFFLE take th...the SNIFFLE constant abuse an....anymore SNIFFLE just t....take me away f...from them.

You start crying your eyes out unable to control your emotions anymore as Touma and kneels down and pick you up.

Touma: " Then I will take you far away from here they will never hurt you ever again.

Tai: " We'll tell  The police that you kidnapped him do listen to us his family rather than you.

Touma: " I recorded the abuse that you've inflicted on him just now if I showed up to ozpin what do you think he'll do especially to your daughters.

Everyone froze realizing that Touma had been planning this. Summer with her weapon ran atoma only for her only for her to be hit in the side of the head by yori.

Yori: " Let's go Touma.

Raven attempts to attack and you jump out of saber's arms letting him deflect ravens attack.

Touma: "(Y/n) Into the forest I'll find you a promise.

Your instincts kicked in and you ran into the forest when Crow tried to grab you you duck under his legs and rice passed him getting Into the Woods. As Touma quickly broke raven's sword and punched her in the face.

Touma: " If you ever go after that boy again i promise you i promise you not only will you lose your daughter's next but they will be blocked listed from ever becoming huntresses and it will be your fault. You will not choose when historians for it has just begun.

Touma and yori go Into the Woods with team strq following behind. You've gotten to a waterfall and actually and accidentally tripped and fell.


Your grabbed By someone then you open your eyes the sea it's another rider.

Your grabbed By someone then you open your eyes the sea it's another rider

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Kento: "  I'm kento but you can call me espada let's get you out of here.

The two of them fly off just as you syes you see the touma and the other guy and and your former family.


If losing you wasn't enough the last thing you did was hide your face from her and her eyes widened and her heart shattered seeing that you were afraid of her at that moment as someone dropped her weapon and fell to her knees with tai trying to comfort her.

Touma: " A family's job is to protect their children and show them love and compassion. But what you did was show favoritism abuse and neglect just because he didn't have semblance or an aura didn't mean he wasn't your child.

Yori: " Expect a lot more from a silver eyed Warrior a person of light. I guess you're nothing more than darkness instead of light.

You're a teleport them away as someone's crying more and more knowing she's lost her son forever.

Summet: "(Y/n) I promise will find you again and we will bring you home.

The time skip

You were flying with espada as you get to a base vibrations it looked like a bookstore.

Kento: " This is your new home now you're safe here I promise.

Touma Came outside and his human form still holding a sword allowing you to recognize him and run to him as he carried you inside. At that moment you felt safe happy happy able to finally live your life without any without any pain or suffering.


Author Note:  You are liberated from the abuse of family you lived with and are now going to live with Touma and the other riders.

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