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There will be 2 parts to this, yet another authors note and an explanation of how I wanted this story to go.

Here we are and a whole year has passed since I said I wanted to keep working on this. And truth be told I do and I dont. The 100 and Lexa specifically entered my life almost 4 years ago and it was a monumental moment and it literally changed things about me as a person. I started writing this, something, as I have explained before, that I jumped into with a beginning and a middle and maybe even a bit of an end in mind with no idea on how to connect them. Everyday I see the reads on this story increasing and while it makes me happy I feel incredibly guilty knowing that I have left you all hanging. This story means a lot to me and I do want to continue it but I literally can't. I've tried, believe me, and on top of being in a creative slump that had gone on for almost two years now I don't have the connection or drive that I once did with this story and it is incredibly unfair to keep you all waiting with the hope that I will continue this. I've finally accepted that its just not going to happen as much as I would like it to. It hurts to say that as I've explained, this meant a lot to me at one point but unfortunately it doesn't mean what it used to. So here I am finally admitting that this will remain unfinished.

I apologize deeply to you all and hope you can understand. I appreciate all of you and everything you have given to this story. This being said, I do have many many drafts of things for this story, mostly of things that were to happen in the middle, my writing has improved since these have been written as with the chapters that are published but I will be happy to post the drafts that are finished so that you all may receive some sort of closure, should that be something you want. (Please comment and let me know)

All this being said, here is a basic outline of what I saw happening for this story.

Lexa trains Arlin to become more used to battle and prepared for war, in this time they become closer and eventually become friends, over coming their differences. In this time Arlin learns Lexa's real name and begins calling her Lexa instead of Commander or Heda. Arlin reveals the details of her childhood and the fact she is a natblida. Lexa is accepting of course and their friendship strengthens, both of them too afraid to reveal their feelings, Lexa afraid of the consequences and Arlin afraid of feelings having never been in a relationship before. One way or another their feelings are eventually revealed and they begin a relationship in secret out of fear of the retaliation due to Lexa's status as the commander and the fear that Azgeda will find out and exploit this like they did with Costia. Lexa learns however that love is not a weakness and instead it gives you strength. Arlin and Lexa's relationship is made public at one point, most likely unwillingly. The war with Azgeda is what I developed the least and I know nothing of how I was going to deal with it. I did have a few scenarios of Arlin being captured by Azgeda and being rescued but they were never fully written out. Of course Arlin and Lexa win the war with the help of animals Arlin is able to get to fight for them. (how or why I ever thought his made sense I don't understand). Things are right again and though I never decided they most likely did get married or the grounder equivalent of married sometime in the future.

I had considered adding in the mountain men but never decided though there were some things I did write that would have been used had I decided to include them. But as it says in the summary of this book, the events of the 100 show (Clarke and the others, ect.) Never happened or I just would never write them in.

I never really had a real answer but one possible way that I imagined Arlin got her powers was as a result of being a night blood. I had the idea that older night bloods gained powers because of their blood and seeing as night bloods pretty much never reached the age Arlin was (I settled on her being 19 or 20) as they would be killed in the fight to become commander these powers were never presented. (That doesn't really make sense as her powers were apparent as a child but I don't have an explanation except maybe they were given something in training that prevented them from forming or something.) This means Luna would have had powers and I would have addressed that should that have been needed. The commander would not have had powers as the flame would have stopped them.

I also dont think I ever mentioned this but Arlin's name comes from Arlington. This is because many things in the grounder world were from remnants of our world. Ton DC being Washington DC, Lincoln being the Lincoln memorial, Polis being 'apolis and etcetera.

This does leave a lot of things unanswered and I am aware of that. Comment any questions you have and I will do my best to answer them.

Maybe one day I will come back and write more and I honestly hope I do but for now this is it. I love you all so much, and I apologize but hope you enjoyed what little I was able to give.

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