13. Never For Me

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Picture above is of what I image Arlin's tattoos to be but spanning the length of her whole spine. (Base of the neck/mid neck to hips)


Arlin's P.O.V.
Brought to you by a talking horse

The next morning was awkward, but honestly, I think I preferred it that way. It meant I didn't have to talk to the Commander at all. Plus, I'd gotten the best night's sleep since before they'd taken me. We got to work setting up the tents after breakfast and that's when I learned what my sleeping arrangements were, to say I was surprised was an understatement. "I'm sharing a tent with you?" I asked, my voice rising in surprise as the Commander nodded. "We want our camp to be as inconspicuous as possible so the fewer tents we have the better. This way you can also be watched and guarded," She paused, "Why, is there something wrong with that?" Her ignorance was infuriating but I had a front to keep. "No, that's fine," She nodded, turning back to whatever she had been doing before as if nothing had happened. Feeling in the mood to stab someone, I walked to the horses after finishing with the last tent, preferring their company to that of my own kind.

"You are not happy," Artemis nickered, "No shit," "I heard your conversation with her, is sharing your tent something you do not want?" I sighed, "I mean part of me hates her and wants nothing to do with her, another pitties her for this war and yet another wants to get closer to her. The mixture of emotions is honestly just infuriating," She tossed her head in understanding, "Well, you are going to have to get closer to her whether or not you wish to do so. It seems that this is simply when fate has decided to begin strengthening your relationship," That word... relationship... was that what I wanted? And if it was, what did that mean? I shook my head, clearing away my thoughts before thanking my friend for her guidance and heading back over to the middle of the camp where a couple of people were gathered. The Commander was among then, spreading out a map of the area, our camp sketched in the middle.

"Heda?" I asked, doing my best to seem nonchalant. "Sha?" (Yes) She replied, picking her head up to look at me with her deep green eyes. "I was wondering if you could maybe explain in more detail what it is I am going to be doing," She nodded, "Of course. We have come here to test and hopefully improve your abilities," Gesturing to the map, she continued. "This spot was chosen for its distance from the Azgeda border and its distant but still close proximity to Polis. It is Trikru territory, but I'm sure you already knew that" I nodded, pleasantly surprised that she knew and or believed I possessed the knowledge of the land that I did. "While here I also hope to train you in other ways, such as combat skills and general knowledge of war. Does that make things more clear?" "Yes," She nodded again, "Good, we will likely start tomorrow as we only just finished setting up camp and it's already midday," "Alight, thank you," I left her to her work and wandered away. Maybe this wasn't going to be too bad after all.


Nightfall came sooner than I expected meaning that the idea I was sharing a tent with the Commander, which had been looming in the back of my mind all day, was about to become a reality. I gathered what few belongings I had and entered the large tent after passing the guards on watch just outside. There were two bed-like cots on either side of the spacious area, not quite a bed but comfortable enough and I had definitely had worse. There were a few tables, one for each of us for storage with a vanity and another in the middle, with an array of furs on the ground to act as a floor that was better than grass or dirt. The Commander was already inside when I came in, on her side of the tent setting up her things and getting ready to sleep as I began to do the same. The thought of seeing her up close without her formal clothing made my mind wander to places I rathered it didn't. But I supposed I could dream, after all, that's all I would ever be able to do. I'd never been able to have more than a friendship with her if that. Hell, I didn't even know her real name.

Lexa's P.O.V.
Brought to you by a trash panda

I did my best not to look over at Arlin when she came in. But eventually, I gave in and glanced over to the other side of the tent, catching a glimpse of the woman with me as she removed her shirt, back facing me. The first thing I noticed were the scars. Burns marred her skin, small and random spots as if someone had held a small open flame to her skin. Her chest bindings covered the majority of it but I was shocked, to say the least. The second thing I noticed were the tattoos. Similar to some of my own, they ran down her spine, and though they were also hidden partially by her binding I could clearly tell that they were the phases of the moon. And the way her skin shone in the firelight certainly wasn't a bad addition to the mix. Before long I realized I had been staring, in what was likely a mix of shock, admiration, and interest. I stopped myself, tearing my eyes away and returning to taking care of my own day clothing as I silently cursed myself for what I'd done. When finished I got into bed and closed my eyes to go to sleep, doing my best to ignore the fact that if I rolled over and looked, I would see the beauty of the woman that I was trying so hard to ignore.



Miss 'Rona really be doing a number on us and on top of that I had to deal with finals and graduation. Then I had a scare and had to be quarantined in my room, away from my family, until I got tested for the virus. (My test was negative, yay!)

Anyway, I hope you are all doing well and staying safe.

Love y'all!

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