7. I Make A Bad Prisoner

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Arlin's P.O.V.
Brought to you by a talking horse

The Commander had been explaining the situation that the Ice Nation had created by deciding to wage war against the rest of the clans to me. Or at least now she was willing to get into more detail with me. "Queen Naia is hoping that she will defeat the clans one at a time before coming to the capital and overthrowing me. As the rest of the clans have chosen to side with me in this war it really should be easy to put down this uprising. But Azgeda is the largest of the 12 clans and not all the remaining ones can fight. That is where you come in, with your powers you can call upon the aninals of the surrounding areas of the battles, this way I hope to enlarge our numbers and increase our chances of success," I balled my fists and bearly managed to restrain myself from walking forward and shoving the woman in front of me. All her talk of war and how I was her secret weapon infuriated me. "I give a little you get a lot but I'm not honey and gold for the taking. You think you can fire up my amber heart, but can't you feel the ground breaking beneath? I wouldn't hold you or make you my captive so don't hold me, and the tighter you grip the harder I'm pulling 'til we fall through," I took a breath and curled my lip up in a snarl, "I'm like a jaguar calling, I make a bad prisoner. I'm like a bird free falling, I wasn't born just to please ya',"

Despite not looking it, I could tell she was furious but I kept going, "I'm not one of your toy soldiers that you get to play war with and my abilities aren't either. I'm not some puppet for you to manipulate to do your bidding and I have no interest in fighting in a war that has nothing to do with me, or in defending the people who have treated me like a monster for my entire life. I'm just as human as the rest of you, despite how you may see me. So, Heda, to put it in a sentence: you and your precious people can go to hell and shove your hopes for me where the sun doesn't shine," I took a breath and spat at her feet before looking up to see her reaction. She took a shakey breath in with her eyes closed, trying to hold in her anger as her dominant hand griped the hilt of her dagger so tightly that her knuckles were white.

"Jus drein jus daun Arlin kom Trikru. Ai laik Heda, yu ai gona," (Blood must have blood Arlin of the tree clan. I am the Commander and you are my warrior.) "Jus drein nou jus daun. Jok yu, Heda," (Blood must not have blood. Screw you Commander.) (Remember that they talk only in Trigedasleng with each other because Lexa doesn't know that Arlin can speak English. I just like writing in it ocassionaly.) I sneered and spat out the last word with disgust. I could tell she was about ready to explode but she didn't say anything to me. She turned away and ordered her guards to take me back to my room, but I didn't struggle this time. I walked away as calmly as I could, happy to leave.

Lexa's P.O.V.
Brought to you by a trash panda

That woman infuriated me, plain and simple. Arlin had a total disrespect for authority, meaning me, and it seemed that no matter what I did she just resisted me more. Perhaps letting her outside would persuade her to go along with my plans, show her Polis and all the people that need to be protected. But something told me that that wouldn't work, that something in her past had ruined her in such a way that she no longer had faith in humanity. Honestly, I didn't blame her, humans are terrible but they can also be good, despite what she and I may tell ourselves. I sat on my throne, rubbing my temples as I tried to rid myself of a headache when Indra walked in. "Heda," "What is it Indra?" "The girl, have you made any progress with her?" I sighed in frustration, "No, she continues to disrespect my authority. I feel that letting her out to see her horse was a mistake. She seems to think that she can say whatever she likes in order to stop me from involving her in this war. But as you know that simply is not an option." I stood up to leave, "I plan on showing her Polis, perhaps seeing all the innocent people that need to be protected will change her mind,"


Hey guys!

Sorry for the semi-short chapter, I'm having a bit of writer's block at the moment but I still wanted to get out this month's chapter.

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Until we meet again,

- SpiderwebStories

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