4. A Human Weapon

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Hey Guys! The song above is something that I feel goes along with this chapter and I find it easier to write with music. Some of the lyrics are even used in the chapter! You'll probably see me doing this a lot but of course it's up to you whether or not you listen. Enjoy!


Arlin's P.O.V.
Brought to you by a talking horse

I didn't know how long I'd been staring at the ceiling in boredom when I heard muffled voices. I only caught the tail end of the conversation but whoever it was, they were talking about me; that I knew for sure. As quietly as I could, I slid off the bed and ducked behind it. I honestly don't know why I did this, it's not like it would protect me or anything. I guess it provided a false sense of security. I listened intently, soon hearing the jingling of keys as my door was unlocked. Like I knew they would, the guards found me within seconds and before I knew it I was being led out and away from my room. I let them do so willingly this time, thinking that maybe if I did what they wished then I could fool them into thinking that I was willing to cooperate with them. This, of course, was not the case, but cooperating would mean more freedom and more freedom meant that making my escape would be easier.

The entire walk I did my best to memorize every twist and turn, every crack and crevice and every object in the maze of hallways that led to the elevator. Once inside the elevator, I tried to figure out how many floors we were going up by looking at when light came through from the crack between the doors but this method did not work as well as I had hoped. I guess that my connection with nature made it so buildings were definitely not my forte but I didn't care all that much because as soon as I got the chance, I was getting out of here and I wasn't ever coming back. When the elevator finally stopped moving and the doors opened I had to resist the urge to run out and away. I didn't know where we were going but I guessed that I was most likely being taken to the Commander again. This time the room we were in was different, it wasn't the throne room but it was decorated similarly to it. Based on the maps and things in the room, I guessed that this was where she and her fellow Polis dwellers strategized and planned war-related things. I didn't know how right I was.

I turned around to see the Commander walk in, "You clean up well." Wait...Did she just compliment me? I didn't know much about her but I knew that was completely out of character for the current Heda, or most of the previous ones for that matter. I didn't respond to her, mostly because I didn't know how to. "I suppose you are wondering why I've brought you here." 'You're damn right' was all I could think but I didn't dare say it. "Well, it's fairly simple actually. You're to be my weapon." Okay...did she just say what I think she said? "More specifically, your powers. You may or may not know that we are currently amidst the brewing of war against Azgeda. Though they will be largely outnumbered there is still a chance they could still succeed, but with your powers it will be no question as to who will claim victory."

Are you kidding me? I may have had powers but that didn't make me any less human than anyone else, and I certainly wasn't a weapon to fight a war with. I curled my lip up in a less than silent snarl, "I'll never be your chosen one. I'd rather die because I know that it's better not to breathe than to breathe a lie. Your values are all shot. I'll never wear your broken crown." I scoffed, "In this twilight, how dare you speak of grace after everything you and your people have done." I yelled as I walked up to her aggressively. She stood still but her guards walked up from behind me and pulled me away from her and out of the room. "You wanted the Commander of beasts? Well, you've got her!" (Clarke reference)

Lexa's P.O.V.
Brought to you by a trash panda

I rubbed my temples as they dragged Arlin out of the room, our meeting did not go at all as I had hoped. She was definitely more aggressive and wild than I first thought. She had seemed so normal but I should have known that anyone like her would not be civilized. All I could do was hope that she would begin to cooperate and that she would eventually realize how important she was in our fight against the Ice Nation. If everything went according to my plan, then she would be the weapon with which we would win this war.

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