Chapter 13

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-----A WEEK LATER-----


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June frowned, she didn't want to do this, but she had made a promise to Jin, and it would also make Jimin happy.  Jimin had finally realized that she went out of her way to avoid Namjoon.  Since she couldn't answer his questions about why, she needed to rectify the situation.  Taking a deep breath she asked.  "Namjoon, would you come with me to buy groceries?"  She realized how obvious her ignoring him had been when all of the guys looked at her in surprise.

By far the most shocked was Namjoon, himself, but he got immediately to his feet.  If she was finally willing to break the ice with him, he refused to let the opportunity slip by, "Yes, sure."

June waited for him by the door.  She watched the tall handsome man walk toward her his coppery hair graced his head in a wild disarray, but still it suited him only serving to make him more handsome.  Looking at him, she understood exactly why Andi had that crush on him.  He was that good looking just standing there and he only improved when he smiled and his dimples appeared. 

"Ready."  A small smile graced his lips, giving a flash of his infamous dimples.

They headed off to the store that was only a few blocks from the dorm.  They traveled silently neither one of them knowing exactly how to start a conversation. 

June finally broke the stillness between them.  "Jin told me you wanted to get to know me," she stated baldly.

He jerked his head up, eyes wide with surprise.  "Yeah, I do.  Did I do something to insult you?"  He was determined to know what she disliked so much about him.

"No, not me, a good friend of mine."  She answered honestly.  "You hurt her and I'm not sure I can forgive you for that.  It's why I've been avoiding you."

He frowned, unsure who he could have hurt that she cared about so much.  He always did his best to hold his tongue, to not speak rashly or thoughtlessly.  He mainly kept his own council only letting out the ugliness of his thoughts in his music, and occasionally with Jin or Suga.  Namjoon couldn't remember the last time he'd snapped and said something stupid and impulsively.  But then a memory filled his mind of him saying careless, mean words to his brothers.  Things that would have broken the heart of a young girl with her first crush, a girl who was good friends with June.

"She overheard me?" he asked even as he was positive of the answer.

"I didn't think you'd remember what you said."

"I remember and I was ashamed of myself the second I said those words.  I didn't even mean them, I was frustrated and I snapped at the members and their teasing, in any case that is no excuse."

She was surprised tht he was willing to admit his fault in the situation.  He was willing to take the blame, but something he had said resonated with her.  "How long were they at you about her crush?"  She might not have seen the two of them together but she had been around Andi when she spoke of her 'Joonie.'  There was no way she'd been able to hide her affection from everyone.

He didn't deny that either.  "A couple of days.  She was so obvious with her adoration.  It was cute."  He smiled remembering.  "But she was only fourteen, fifteen.  I was twenty, nothing could have come of it."

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