Chapter 18

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I opened my eyes expecting to see June snuggled in bed with me. She wasn't there, it didn't look as if she'd been here at all. That's when I freaked out completely. I picked up my phone to call her and discovered that it was dead, I had forgotten to plug it in last night. I'd have to find one of the members and use their phone.

I hurried from the room and stopped when I saw her sitting at the table eating and talking with Suga hyung. Relief washed over me, she was here. She'd come home to me.

"Morning, beautiful." I said pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

"What am I chopped liver?" Yoongi asked.

"Morning, Suga hyung." I grinned as I sat next to my girlfriend. "When did you get back?"

"It was after midnight, I think," she shrugged. "Those three got so plastered, one minute they tell me soju isn't so strong the next none of them can stay on their barstool."

"You don't seem to be feeling any ill effects." I said.

"I had one small glass of wine. I'm not much into hard liquor." June responded. "The one time I got drunk, after surviving the morning after, I decided never again. I didn't feel human for a couple days."

I laughed, "I've felt like that, but I still drink."

"I know, I've seen the videos," she responded. "Ash makes me watch funny videos of you guys. She really loves the compilations of you falling off of chairs and Namjoon breaking things. There's only one thing she watches more..." June blushes, "nope, not going there."

"What?" The two men ask together.

She shook her head, blush deepening, as she remembered the videos.

A light filled Yoongi's eyes. "Baepsae. I know my girl."

She buried her face into her hands. "Not the whole song."

"I'm going to drive her nuts with this info." Yoongi and Jimin chuckled.

"Ash is going to murder me."

"Don't worry, little sis, I will cover for you. I'll check her YouTube history."

"As much as she watches, it'll be at the top."

Yoongi laughed louder.

"I'd prefer if you only watch clips of me, now." I said.

"Yeah....but Hobi." June responded.

"Should you really be leering at one of your best friends boyfriends? What would Cass think?"

"She leers with us."

Yoongi laughed even louder.

I was not amused, as she cupped my face and said. "Don't worry, it's compilations. We leer at all of you."

"This does not make me feel better."

June giggled. Her phone rang, she glanced at it. "It's Drew. HI DREW!" she answered loudly. They all heard the groan from the other end of the line. "Drew, is something wrong?" She questioned innocently, she was quiet for a moment. "Okay, I'll see you this afternoon. Bye." She hung up with a snort. "Not feeling well, what a polite way to put hung over. Looks like my morning is free. I heard you have the day off."

"Want me to spend it with you?"

"Definitely, and this afternoon, I want to take you and Kookie with me."

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