confrontation is key

790 16 89

Cover art by me)
Swatch pov mixed with 3rd person pov

What just happened ?

Seriously, did that really just happen

Why would he do that-

Did he really just do that then leave-


Swatch ran outside in an attempt to find spamton, wherever he was..

Did he do it as a joke?!

We were joking at the time right?!?

Then why did he run of??

Where did he even go..

Cyber city in itself is a huge place.. its going to take a while to find him, isn't it.

Maybe he could check the local dumpsters, he couldn't of gone too far, right?

Maybe he went with the addisons again?? No, that wouldn't make sense..

Aaaah, this will take forever..

Spamton/ third person pov.

God, what did you just do, spamton

Dont ask that, you know too well what you did.

Better question was where he was running off to.

Right, right. The dumpster he was living in before staying with Swatch..

If I ever see them again I need to apologise..

What was I thinking?!?! That's such a dumb thing to do! It's going to look like I like Swatch more than just friends

I only like them as a friend.. right? If that was true then why did he do that, even Spamton knew that kissing your friend isn't what friends do.

Maybe he didn't view them as just a friend, then?

No, that would be weird

Even if he did like them more than just friends, he lost his chance to say anything

He ran away after all, and hes sitting in the very same place he had that first encounter with Swatch (since he'd been thrown out) on that slope.

But now he was alone

Does he like Swatch? More than friends.


He doesn't know anymore.

Swatch had been looking for quite a while now wondering where Spamton had run off to, it was probably a dumpster.

But, there's a lot of dumpsters.

hat means alot of places to look, the traffic is busy too, makes it take more time to cross the road-

Wait.. maybe hes where he dragged me off to, all that time ago

Even if he isn't it's worth checking,

I wonder if spamton likes me more than just friends? I mean, why would that happen otherwise. I won't assume though.

Swatch had remembered the way and walked up to there it was surprisingly quiet

Found him.

Third person pov


Swatch being there seemed to surprise Spamton


"Are you okay? You ran off and that worried me."

"aren't you [MAD DEALS!]"

"I'm not mad at you, Spamton. It doesn't matter to me that you did that.."

" Just one question, Spamton"

"What's the [QUESTION] [[ QUESTION ]]"

"Do you like me? More than just friends? You do not have to answer if you don't want to, I am not forcing you to answer if you don't feel comfortable doing so, spamton"

" ......... yes, I do."


500 words


This isn't the end

haven't you ever left this place? (swatchton)Where stories live. Discover now