Chapter 9: Holiday Part 2

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Izuku waved Adalman goodbye as he walked away from their group. The other 4 now having seen Izuku's skills, decided to work harder to catch up to him, since from their point of view, he just used their skills in addition with his own unique skill. They actually thought Izuku learned their skills and did not consider the fact that he instead copied it and used it. Of course, Adalman can see through this since he sensed weaker and less magicules output from the replicated skills than the usual ones.

Momo suggested that they go to her special place in town to relax a little. The other 4 immediately asked the price tag of the place which Momo replied it is free which earned a sigh of relieve from the rest. They followed Momo to a cafe that looked normal enough from the outside. Hitoshi asked Momo how is a cafe free and Momo answered that she has a membership card which allows for a discount and also she is treating them.

The 4 immediately cheered up on that thought and pushed Momo to hurry up and go inside. The interior design was quite comfy, giving off a Starbucks vibe to it. On the menu was food and drinks that are actually affordable to them, such as toast, coffee and tea. They started ordering their food with their preferences immediately shown in the order.

Hitoshi ordered 2 cups of double expresso and a donut, Mina ordered fried chicken and waffles and soda, Katsuki ordered spicy stir fry with rice, Momo ordered grilled eel with picked vegetables and rice and Izuku ordered a chicken sandwich with 2 fried eggs. This was suppose to be afternoon tea by the way. They all enjoyed their food while solidifying each other's strange food addiction in their mind.

The total cost of the whole meal came up to 90 bronze coins after discount which was a steal for the proportion and amount they ordered. After the meal, they looked at Izuku saying his favourite spot was the only one left. He thought for a while and realise there was only pretty much two spots he visited during the whole week there. One was the hot spring bath but his friends probably went there already and it was unwise to take a bath right after you eat. The second was a gamble whether they will like it or not but it was his only option.

"Alright let's go." Izuku said to the other 4. They followed Izuku to a place crowded with adventurers and they asked Izuku what this place is. Izuku pointed at a metal door and told them it was this town's labyrinth. The 4 of them looked at him in shock asking if there is anywhere else he can show them and Izuku replied it's either this or the hot spring but they just ate so the hot spring was not advised.

Izuku mentioned that they will not die permanently inside if they wear a special bracelet and will be revived outside. This however only struck more fear into the other 4 since they had not faced off against other monsters before. Izuku ensured it will be fine for them since he cleared 9 floors before deciding to leave, so it should be fine for them too.

The other 4 looked at each other and sighed at Izuku's ridiculous idea, but they were all also excited for the challenge especially Katsuki. Izuku helped the other 4 prepare the bracelet needed and some supplies he usually bring such as water and emergency medical supplies, but they had Momo so Izuku carried lesser items this time. He also explained the labyrinth will have traps and monsters to fight and loot to collect so they may get an allowance boost if they try hard enough. This statement motivated Hitoshi and Mina since they blew their allowance already and they still had 3 more days to go. To be fair meals were provided for free at the restaurant next to their home but Hitoshi and Mina just liked eating out more.

They went in the labyrinth slowly as they followed Izuku, the first floor was a maze that Izuku and the others dan conquer with their magic sense but they were still careful not to activate any traps.

The second and third floors have more traps and a tougher maze but other than that, there was nothing of significance.

The group started getting more confident around the fourth floor due to the lack of difficulty. Izuku said they can be attacked by monsters from the fourth floor on which got the group's confidence to go down again. Speak of the devil and you shall receive is the motto of the day since the moment after Izuku said that, a giant black ant with yellow markings appear in front of the group. They all take their fighting stance as Momo stated to stick to the pre-determined plan.

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