Chapter 11: Hallow

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"AGAIN! SLEEP DEPRIVE!" Katsuki shouted at Hitoshi, controller in hand.

"Sure, but you will lose again either way." Hitoshi retorted with a smirk.

The 5 gathered in Izuku's room that night to just relax. Katsuki and Hitoshi were playing video games while Izuku, Momo and Mina were just talking about life. Izuku actually wanted to play video games but seeing as Katsuki and Hitoshi were that addicted to it, he decided not to interfere.

Momo and Mina were just having girl chatter while Izuku sat at the side, occasionally joining in with a nod when asked a question. He was mostly thinking about training and how to become stronger ever since that life of death situation he was put in.

Notice: individual Kurobe has attempted to use thought transmission to you. Do you permit this action? Yes/No

Izuku said yes wondering what it was.

"Yo Izuku, your katana is ready. Come and collect it when you are free." Kurobe said.

Izuku jumped up in excitement as he thanked Kurobe and told him he will be there right away. The others saw Izuku's sudden change and asked what happened. Izuku ignored them though and dashed out of his room, leaving the others confused.

Izuku arrived at Kurobe's workshop and dashed through the door. Kurobe heard him and called Izuku to go to the backroom.

Izuku went there to see Kurobe grabbing a katana that was hanged on the wall. Izuku starred at it and asked was it his and Kurobe confirmed it was.

"Before you get too excited, let me tell you this." Kurobe said katana in hand.

"You should cherish your blade more especially not allowing it to break. Not going to lie this blade is worth quite a fortune after all the adjustments you requested so you should treat it properly as well. I suggest you give the blade a name so to add some sentimental value." Kurobe added.

Izuku thought for a moment and answered.

"Hallow. It shall be named as Hallow."

After Izuku finished his sentence, the sword started to glow. Izuku and Kurobe watched stunned as the glow becomes brighter and brighter. The whole workshop lit up as the light spread throughout the district.

After a few seconds, the light slowly faded. The katana now named Hallow has changed in appearance.

Hallow now has a green blade instead of silver. The magic stone infused into the handle also has a green hint to it. It also now possess a holy aura around the blade.

Hallow suddenly flew from Kurobe's hand to Izuku's hand. Izuku catches it as it begins to shine a green light around its blade.

Notice: You have acquired the new unique skill, Hallow. It includes: Blade summon, Blade disintegration, Blade replication and True Master.

Izuku listened to Great Sage while starring in awe at Hallow in his grip. Kurobe congratulated Izuku as he explained during his 500 years of working as Tempest's top weapon smith, this phenomenon has only occured 4 times excluding his.

Kurobe explained how the blade is now bound to his soul until it is broken. However, it was unlikely it will be broken since the blade is now classified as a legend class weapon due to the phenomenon.

Suddenly Benimaru bursted into the workshop, asking what was going on. Apparently he saw the beam to light from Kurobe's workshop and rushed here to check on Kurobe. Benimaru saw Izuku holding Hallow and immediately connected the dots.

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