Chapter 13: Highway Drama

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Izuku and his friends for ready to depart from Tempest. They all had the previous day off to relax and pack their bags. They were told just to bring what they needed for combat and nothing more.

They arrive in front of the building to see a person waiting for them. It turns out to be Gabiru as he waved at the 5. Izuku was confused and asked why was he here which Gabiru replied.

"Sir Rimuru had ordered me to travel along side you to protect you in case of a threat." Gabiru said.

"I DONT NEED YOUR PROTECTION LIZARD!" Katsuki shouted. Gabiru then reminded him how they are not strong yet and will face trouble if a high level monster came at them. Katsuki wanted to shout back but suddenly remembered of how he almost died in the labyrinth which shut him up.

Gabiru brought them to a carriage that was being pulled by horses. Hitoshi asked why they didn't just teleport to their destination and Gabiru said Rimuru wanted the 5 to see the world more.

They hop on into the carriage with Gabiru "driving". Thus, their journey began. It was estimated to take around 2 days get to the destination on the high way and they will have to camp at one of the inns along the road.

Backstory start.

During the last 500 years, Tempest has expanded to cover the whole Jura Great Forest and now every part of the Forest is now urbanised in some way. The highway was smooth and the roads were well lit up. Although somehow they haven't figured out cars yet since Rimuru didn't want to bring too much of modern world technology into this world.

Most of the improvements in the last 500 years were more industrial and cultural based, and not much of technological. Plastic that can be decomposed easily was now produced, consumer goods were now wide spread and food was now way more diverse.

Also since the last 500 years, many of the old demon lords ended up giving up their position, since the balance of power was completely destroyed since Rimuru's ascension to God. These include Leon Cromwell, Luminous Valentine and most surprisingly Guy Crimson.

Leon decided to live out his life as a human with Chloe for the past 500 years. Rumours said that they are now living in a remote part of what use to be the eastern empire as farmers. As for his territory, it was given to one of his former subordinate to rule and it became quite prosperous.

Luminous stepped down due to her promise to Chloe being fulfilled and now can live a quiet life without any interruptions. She has been confirmed living in the frozen continent by Veldora who occasionally go there to visit Velzard.

Guy perhaps is the most surprising one though. Everyone thought that he will always be in the demon lord group since he is one of the first true demon lords and have been leading the group since very long ago.

However, after the tenma war, he stepped down due to his own reasons. He said that since the angel factions suffered a humiliating defeat, at least 2000 years must pass for them to recover their strength. He wanted to take the time to enjoy the world since he ended his constant war against Rudra and now needed new entertainment.

He still checks on the octagram from time to time but doesn't shows up to any Walpurgis. Rimuru, however, kept the position for him since Rimuru thought eventually Guy will return and just kept a seat empty for him. Guy earned a new title of inactive demon lord from then onwards.

This leaves Milim, Ramiris and Rimuru to be the remaining active demons lords after the tenma war. Since then in the 500 years, new members have joined and left but currently, there are 7 active demon lords and 1 inactive one making up the octagram.

The 5 plus Gabiru are actually heading to one of the new demon lords' place right now to train.

His name is Shihvo and he joined the octagram roughly 100 years after the tenma war. He is quite a chill person and only became demon lord after Rimuru asked him to since he wanted the Octagram to be filled up.

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