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     Added A/N: Hey love's just wanted to let you know that these next few chapters are a little rough so if you can read through the shitty beginning you can get to the better parts. The reasoning behind me not editing these first few chapters to be better is

1. too lazy

2. i wish to see the progress that I have made in my writing

3. why not:)

"S-stop please that hurts!"

"M-mom? dad? why? w-what are you doing?"


b-b-but mo-



     when she looked back the little girl was bleeding. she had a terrible bruise on her face ,and bad ones all over to be frank,but she watched as her normally rude parents were almost......


No they were villainous.

That crying child was me i don't know why my parents did that but now I'm alone a nobody who has no quirk just standing in the classroom of torment. bullies and popular kids galore.and nobody cares for a nobody.

one day after the torment of class i went to eat my lunch a have a bit of peace and quiet>

when i thought i was alone I started to eat my lunch that was very little but was enough of count as a meal. A few minutes passed and lunch was surprisingly quiet I thought to myself well no one is ever on the roof at lunch that's why I like it here.

I spoke too soon

shortly after I finished eating one of the kids from an early class came up to me and was telling me how I was going to get it after school.He said that all of the friends were waiting for the opportunity to beat me up.

Then two more kids with huge smirks on their faces came up to me as well " well well well look what we have here a little nobody. That's it just leave me alone please I don't want trouble, I only just finished my lunch...

One of the bullies spoke up" you really think that we would let you go that easily.. you really are dumb. Now that you said that you don't want trouble all that you get is trouble...

He had a quirk that allows you to freeze time on something for a short period of time and the other bullies one had power wind a strong gust of wind that he could control at will, and the other other bully had night vision.

"now listen here you" the bully spoke up, wait wait wait hold on Zack we need to be rational here,

-No we don't Will -,

YES we do she is quirk-less right?--

Yes she is Will I already know that everyone at this whole darn school does...

Well if she is so worthless why don't we just get. rid. of.her.

that's a great idea Will why don't we get rid of her

wait guys no I'll do anything please don't kill me

before I could say anything Will had blown me through the chain-link fence that surrounded the. roof and I was falling. I could still hear them laughing and saying things like don't worry we did the world a favor by kill one mistake...

As I hit the ground I slowly was slipping away and into death I thanked them and hoped my next life would be better.

then I woke up all the eye could see is black nothingness, and I sat there wondering what i did to deserve this treatment.

A loud voice was heard and I starred in awe in the direction it came from. You did nothing to deserve this that is why I offer you a trial.

In this trial you may perish and cease to exist but if you prevail your live will be much better and you will have a new family. Do you wish to proceed?

what do you mean? what trial? what will happen?

you will be faced with the world strongest demon Satan himself if you have the courage to even get close to beating him you pass if you give up you fail.

I don't have much to lose so I'll do it.

very well then good luck

then before my eyes the most putrid evil thing I had ever seen came up to me and said give up now or perish...

then before my eyes the most putrid evil thing I had ever seen came up to me and said give up now or perish

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a/n; like this ^

something told me inside that i do still want to live so with all the strength I could muster I told him to leave my sight.

-What did you say-

Leave now you have no place here ...


Clever girl now die!

as he manifested the biggest spear he could and tossed it at me

i had to think quick and dodged the spike even though it was bigger than I was.

how am I supposed to fight that thing ... i don't think I can win.

but a part of me said

yes you can that little piece of red on his chest looks weak try that.

I looked around confused and eventual gave in running up him at high speed before he had the time to make another spike and hit him right where it hurt. he stumbled back

"-Leave NOW you have no place here." I said with more power and command in my tone

He grinned and said "good job princess you passed" and left where he was standing to a door at the end of the hallway

"Good job now I'll leave and go back to where i came from.

With that he was gone

I did it I did it even with out a quirk I did it

good job the voice toned again.

Thanks for reading this far this is my first fanfic so I'm probity pretty bad but if you liked it comment down below and I'll make chapter #2

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