chapter 20

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A/N: Hello All! and sorry for the hold up, school just bit my ass and I needed to study for a whole lot of tests coming up so hopefully I can get this out of the way before state testing! :)

After you had brought Aizawa back to the McDonald's you quickly ordered him a coffee, and sat at the table where your fellow classmates  were seated.

"YOOOOOO! Y/N's BAAACK!" Kaminari roared.

"Hey denks!"

"I must Ask because it's my duty as class president to ask, Are you harmed or injured in any way!?! *add the weird robo-hand chop thingy*

"Don't worry Iida I'm fine."

"I call BULLSHIT! I saw you crying after you used your quirk to much looked as if you hands were bleeding too!" Bakugou grunted.

Multiple gasps were heard and many of your classmates looked very concerned.

"I assure you all I'm fine I just over used a part of my quirk I had never trained with before, so it took a tole om my body."

"You need to be more careful! As class rep. I think we should check you into a hospital you that you may be checked over! For all we know you could have been breathing all of those toxic fumes for hours and you would never tell us!"

"No need I heal myself very fast. Nothing a good nights sleep can't fix."

"Y-you really s-should tank m-more care o-of yourself Y-y/n." Midoriya said.

"Midoriya I said I'm fine I promise!"

"Are you positively sure?!" Inquired Iida.

"Cross my heart and hope to die stick a cupcake in my eye!" you mini saluted.

After the entire kerfuffle all of their parents were called to come pick them up.

"Y/n where are your parents?"

"Oh don't worry I can teleport home when ever i so please I just wanted to make sure no one else was lonely while they waited!" you stated in a cherry tone

Aizawa cocked an eyebrow "You sure your alright problem child?"

"Yes Sensei I'm fine."

"Alright, well you are free to go whenever."

You raised the key that still sat around your neckline and raised it up "TO HOME!" and just as before you teleported up to where Azan and you both lived.

Time skip to when the dorms were built and you all were moving in:

"Does anyone else need my help?!" you loudly stated from across the dorms.

"If you would help me out I would most appreciate it!" yelled Momo

You closed your door and ran to go help Momo put this massive bed together.

"Thank you so much! I don't know how I would have put it together if i didn't have help."

"It's really no problem!"

A distance screech from Mina carried across the dorms.


"ALRIGHT BE THERE IN A MINUTE!" you yelled back.

Walking into the dorms common room Mina had one of those faces on, like the one where you know something is up.

"Why don't we all show off our rooms in a contest!"

heavens goddess[really OP!reader] DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now