chapter #2

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A/N Hi love's have a good whatever time of day it is ( or night where my all-nighters at?)

Good job the voice toned again.

you have done well in the end you did more than expected witch is why I chose you instead of some bozo from the streets.

what do you mean?

-I mean that not only did you stand up to him you also cast him out he called you princess for a reason.

Oh I guess he did I wasn't really paying attention to that at the moment.

-Yes and what he meant by that is you passed the test of worth and he gave you authority over him before leaving, Satan himself gave you that right.

H-he did I did not know that's what he meant that is crazy Ive never-

-look I know your exited but listen now squeal later

sorry i did not mean to be that enthusiastic.

Its quite alright don't worry too much about it, but where I left off he gave you command over him that's a great honor and I now give you command on my behalf as well.

like what kind if i may be so bold?

our powers what we have command over the regions them self.

w-what that's a bit much don't you think

no I think you are perfectly quipped to be queen of both heaven and hell.

Q-queen what... that is amazing and all but-

-It is alright all will come in time but the most important thing for you is to make sure to be on the right side and to let you emotions guide you.

Wait wait wait, if I say yes who am I even agreeing to? I would rather like to know before hand rather than later.

smart choice little one. but right now all that you need to know of me is as an older brother just call my name if you need my help

Well what is your name?

slow down i was getting there, what I was going to tell you is my name is Azan or the name I would prefer you call me is big brother

cool name by the way, but what did you mean big brother i have no siblings?

now you do the people who hurt and scared you are no longer in your blood line and you are related to me now

how is that even possible?

well my thing is in the area of miracles and magic not quirks as you call them.

so your power cannot be stolen copied or cancelled.

Whoa that is like .. REALLY op...

I know but nonetheless its you so congrats on your new title and name Azurah. Y/n Azurah good bye for now.

but where will I wake up I died.

oh right on the ground where you were when you died and time stopped in time for me to tell you this so those boys are still up there laughing at you so best to lay there till they leave:)

good idea big brother I'll do that bye for now I guess.

As you teleported back to the place that you had been so mercilessly killed on. You lay there and made no sudden movement worried that they would seethe twitching of a hand or something and freak out and bully you worse, so you waited till they left. or more of it were dragged away by a teacher who had seen the whole thing.

then I got up an left, not knowing how in the world how to use my newly found powers i just didn't use them.and made my way back to my house ready to be beaten by my now unrelated parents.

I'm back. my voice toned and my mother coming up to give me my daily slap

a red mark was left and it actually did'nt hurt hardly at all not any more now that she had a power of her own

well more than just a power I sat there in thought.


Hey i know it probity not the best and a little confusing but it should work for now but if I get really good at this I plan on remaking it

have a good day lovs:)

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