3. | 𝘼 𝙂𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙉𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩

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This chapter has mature scenes. There is sexual intercourse in this chapter so if you don't wanna read it, you can skip to the next chapter. Btw this is my first time writing something like this, so I hope it's good. ENJOY!!


Lucius then proceeded to walk towards his own bedroom. He walked in and saw his beautiful wife sitting on the bed while under the covers and reading a book.

"Enjoying the book?" he asked, walking towards their walk-in closet.

"Very much darling. How was work?" She replied.

"Very tiring and boring" he sighed.

"Well, I hope you're not too tired to forget about that promise you made before you left, my love" She replied, smirking and still not looking up from her book.

"How could I forget?" he said, walking to the door in nothing but sweatpants and wand in hand. He put a muffling charm on the door as he whispered the words. He then proceeded to walk towards the bed.

"Put the book down darling and let me fulfil my promise to you" Lucius whispered in her ear as he put his wand down on Narcissa's vanity. As she put the book down on the bedside table, she walked up to Lucius and placed a long, deep kiss on his lips. He could feel her tongue wanting in, so he opened his lips to give her access. He stole the domination as he threw his tongue in her mouth. He wrapped his right arm around her delicate waist as he pinned her against the wall roughly.

"You ready for a long night, my dear?" he asked, smirking, their faces inches apart and his left arm on the side of her on the wall and his right still around her waist.

"You better be prepared, my love. I won't go easy this time" she replied smirking. He kissed her lips one more time as she pulled his hair out of the ponytail it was in and threw the ribbon on the ground. He ripped her night gown off her body and stared at it in awe.

"Admiring my body, love?" She smirked.

"You already know it" he replied as leaned down and sucked on one of her nipples and caressing the other with his hand before giving the other the same treatment. He then kissed her lips again and then made his way down to her neck. Then her chest. Then her breast. He kneeled down to kiss her stomach, then her thighs to tease her. She moaned as she arched her back up against the wall. As he stood back up, he kissed her sweet spot behind her ear as she jumped up and wrapped her legs around Lucius' waist, and he threw her down on the bed. He caressed her cheek with his thumb, before asking,

"Are you ready, my devilish wife?" he asked in a seductive tone.

"You know it" Narcissa smirked.

He kissed her lips one more time before he went down to her stomach, then her thighs, then leaned into her cunt and breathed on it and stopped.

"Lucius!" She yelled, irritated.

"I'm sorry my love, I just like to tease you. You know that" he chuckled. He went to take her panties off, but they were soaked. "Oohh, your already so wet, you cheeky witch" she rolled her eyes as he went further down into her clit after he threw her panties off the bed. She arched her back and threw her head backwards. He licked it as he kept hearing moans and groans coming from her mouth. He put his tongue further in and sucked on the cunt a little more. He leaned back and put a finger in, then two, then three pushing it in and out of her entrance fast and hard, listening on how his palm slapped against her entrance as his fingers went in. She moaned loudly, putting her hand over her mouth until he swatted it away.

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