5. | 𝙋𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙠 𝙏𝙞𝙢𝙚!

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𝙰𝚞𝚐𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝟹𝟸𝚗𝚍, 𝟷𝟿𝟾𝟽

All the kids rushed upstairs to Cassie's room and started thinking of a plan on how to prank the two adults.

"Okay, so what's the plan?" Eli asked once they were all sat on Cassie's silk sky blue sheets.

"Well, I'm actually not sure what we should do.." Cassie said.

"Well, are we going to do the prank tonight, or tomorrow?" Draco asked.

"We should probably do it tomorrow; I don't think any of us wanna walk in on those two. It'll be pretty awkward, and then we'll get in trouble" Lyra laughed. "But, how about we set it up tonight. So tomorrow we don't have to do anything" Lyra suggested.

"Well, what exactly is the plan gonna be?" Cyrus asked Lyra. They all were quiet for a few minutes until Cyrus yelled,


"SHHH!!!" They all whispered loudly, and he apologised.

"Well what is your idea?" Lyra asked.

"Well, I was thinking we could do a really dramatic prank. Not just one like setting off a trap and something falling on the both of them" Cyrus spoke.

"Go on.." Cassie encouraged.

"Well we could pretend the twins went missing" Cyrus started. "We could all be in Draco's room and then we all scream for mum and dad to help, and the twins could run away somewhere in the manor before they get to Draco's room" he finished.

"That's really smart actually. They'd go hysterical and then at around like 5 or 6 in the morning, the twins could just walk into their bedroom and say 'hi'" Eli suggested.

"Damn. This is gonna be great. So when are we going to do it?" Cassie asked.

"How about right now?" Elijah suggested.

"Sounds great, but first what are we gonna tell them. They're surely gonna ask us who took them, and we can't just come up with different names and spurt them out at the same time" Cassie stated knowingly.

"How about father's most rival enemy; Albus Dumbledore" Lyra smirked mischievously.

"Perfect. Our plan is going to be great. Let's go to Draco's room now then. Wait, where are the twins going?" Cassie asked.

"Uhm, we could just walk to the back of the manor, towards the gardens" Lyra suggested. "Oh wait! We could go to that secret spot Elijah, and I found last year. Me and Draco could hide back there until the morning when one of you come to get us"

"Alrighty then. Let's go" Cassie said, walking towards the door. They all tiptoed very silently, to avoid distracting the couple from their 'fun' at the end of the hallway.


They all made it to Draco's room without getting caught.

"Okay, are we all ready? On three" Cassie began.

"One" Draco continued.

"Two" Eli said.

"Three!" Cyrus finished. "Mother, father!! Help!! Someone!!" they all yelled standing at the door. Draco and Lyra ran out the door down the stairs and to the hiding spot.

"What?! I thought we told you all to go to bed!" Lucius scolded them walking out of their bedroom in their robes obviously irritated.

"T-t-they're-" Cassie stuttered.

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