6. | 𝘾𝙝𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙢𝙖𝙨

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Hey guys, I just wanted to put a warning that there is a mention of self-harm in this chapter. It is in the beginning of Lyra's pov, just putting it as a warning. This chapter is also really long so I hope that's okay. Anyway, I hope you enjoy.


𝙳𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟻𝚝𝚑, 𝟷𝟿𝟾𝟽

Draco was the first awake, on Christmas Day. It took a few seconds for him to realize before he bolted to Cassie's room and woke her up.

"Wake up Cassie!! It's Christmas!! Get up!!" he yelled at her, waking her up slightly. He then proceeded to jump on her bed to get her to wake up fully.

"Can you not go bother someone else?!" She yelled as she pulled the pillow that was next to her over her head.

"No! I need all of you so we can wake up mum and dad!!" he complained. She reluctantly got out of bed and walked with Draco to Cyrus' room. They walked in, and he was already awake, reading a book still tucked in under his dark grey sheets.

"Come on!! Let's go wake up Eli and then Lyra!! We need to wake up mum and dad!!" Draco yelled at him.

"Do I have to?" Cyrus asked.

"Yes. I did, and now so do you." Cassie smirked as she pulled him out of the bed and dragged him into Eli's room.

"Okay, we're all gonna yell 'wake up!!' on the count of three" Draco said. One. Two. Three!!"

"WAKE UP!!" The three yelled in sync. Eli sat straight up screaming. Once he figured out it was his cousins, he threw a pillow at them, as he soon realized it was Christmas. He yanked his body out of the bed and we all ran to Lyra's room last. Eli walked in and shook her awake vigorously like there was no tomorrow.

"WHAT?!!" She yelled at him.

"It's Christmas! Let's go wake up aunt and uncle!!" he replied.

"Argh!! I need my beauty sleep though!" She pouted.

"Chill out and let's go annoy the living shit out of mum and dad until they get up" Cyrus exclaimed.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever let's go" She rolled her eyes, as they tip-toed to their parents' room. They all stood at the door, grinning at each other. They all ran into the room yelling and screaming. The parents were cuddled up against each other on the left side of the bed, as their father's arm was around their mother's waist tightly, pulling her close to him and his head tilted down in the crook of her neck leaning into it. They both jolted up from their deep slumber from the screaming, yelling, and running. They looked very confused and angry.

"What in Salazar's name is going on?!!" Lucius yelled, but they ignored him and kept running and screaming. He looked over to his side and saw the time read '6:57am'. "It is 7am in the morning!! Why are you all yelling?!" They ignored him once again and kept running. "STOP!!" He yelled, angrily. His face was red, and they could all tell he was very tired. They all froze in our spots and stared at their parents.

"What is going on and why are you all in our room?" Narcissa asked us much more calmed than their father, who was fuming by the way.

"It's Christmas and we wanted to wake you up" Lyra said quietly, staring at her toes. The loving mother sat up straight and leaned her back onto the black wooden-detailed headboard. She patted her lap, pulling Lyra's hand to sit down on it. Once she sat down, she cuddled into her mother as Narcissa ran her hands through her daughter's hair.

"Well, why did you come in and start yelling, screaming, and running around our room?" she questioned. Lyra simply shrugged. Draco took a deep breath in and spoke.

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