Aladdin's fate?

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"Who's this Jafar?" Sweeney asked curiously.

"Jafar is the sultan's trusted advisor; the Royal Vizier. What he does is advise the sultan on certain matters." Uncle Joshua explained as we all got inside the palace.

"Sort of like an advisor to a king or queen?" My mom asked.

Uncle Joshua nodded.

"Hey, Kai. Back so soon?" Anakin asked.

In the galaxy far away, my uncle's name is Kai Skywalker, younger twin brother of Anakin Skywalker.

"Any updates on the kid and his pet monkey?" My sorcerer dad asked.

"I'll know as soon as Jasmine and I talk to Jafar." Uncle Joshua told both men.

"My guess is that Jafar ordered the guards to nab the boy. I just hope he's alright." Obi-Wan observed.

"Will we know what will happen to him?" My mom asked worried.

"I'll give you three an update as soon as possible." Uncle Joshua softly reassured.

While upstairs, I saw my cousins that are almost same age as me; they would be four years old on December 25th. Their names are Rani, Krishna and Kimya; and they are my uncle's triplet girls. My aunt Mary gave birth to them naturally and they share a birthday with uncle Joshua. Their birthdays are on Christmas Day. My aunt is a woman of South Asian and Japanese descent with long raven hair and beautiful brown eyes.

Kimya is a girl with fair skin, red wavy hair and brown eyes. She is the quietest and shyest of the triplets but she's also sweet.

Krishna is the loudest and feisty girl of the group with biracial skin, brown wavy hair and blue eyes. Within her tomboyish exterior, she loves everyone and she will do everything to protect them.

Rani is the youngest of the trio; with my uncle Joshua's features; olive skin, beautiful raven hair and brown eyes. She is both aunt Mary and uncle Joshua through and through with my uncle's down to earth personality. Uncle Joshua and Rani both share a telekinetic bond; whenever one of them is hurt, the other feels it too.

I felt the triplets hug me like a sandwich and I hugged them back.

"We missed you, Mei!" The triplets said to me excitedly and simultaneously.

"Missed you guys too!" I giggled too.

Sweeney came over to hug the triplets too and so did my mom.

"Tammie, I have the update on him." Uncle Joshua said to my mom. My dad was with uncle Joshua.

"Stay with Sweeney, sweetie, okay?" My mom reassured to me gently.

I nodded.

"Be careful, mommy." I said to her tenderly.

"I will, baby girl. I love you." My mom and I hugged. In the back of my mind, I knew that she was going to search for Aladdin.

"Just sit tight, kiddo...we'll find him." Dad reassured gently as he hugged me.

"I  love you, Daddy." I said.

"Love you too, sweetie." Dad kissed my cheek as he got up and followed my mom.

Could Aladdin be dead or alive? Was Jafar hiding something?

Questions for another time, perhaps. I went down to where Princess Jasmine was...outside near the fountain, sobbing quietly. Figured that was her favorite place to be. I met her pet tiger, Rajah, whom was comforting her.

"It's all my fault, Rajah...I didn't even know his name." Jasmine cried softly.

"I'm so sorry, Jasmine." I said sadly, hugging her.

"We'll figure all this out, my dear." Sweeney said softly as he comforted the Princess.

A little later, I was getting ready to go to sleep, cuddled up in Sweeney's arms. He softly hummed to me in my ear as I laid my head down on the crook of his neck and closed my eyes.

"Jasmine?" An elderly man's voice called out softly.

I opened my eyes to see a roly-poly old man in what a sultan would wear; beige colored robes with turquoise blue. He seemed to be a kind man who is jolly and fun. It was the sultan.

"Oh, dearest...what's wrong?" The sultan asked his daughter; worry was etched on his face.

"Jafar...has done something...terrible." Jasmine wept.

"There, there, there, my child--we'll set it right." The sultan comforted Jasmine. "Now...tell me everything."

"It's a bit of a long story, sir, but Jasmine will tell you what happened." Sweeney softly said.

While Jasmine told the sultan what happened, I was getting worried for my mom, my sorcerer dad...and for Aladdin and Abu. Sweeney comforted me while soothingly lulling to me what Mrs. Lovett told him, while setting up his barber shop for the Beadle to come.

"Easy, now
Hush, love, hush
Don't distress yourself
What's your rush?
Keep your thoughts
Nice and lush

Hush, love, hush
Think it through
Once it bubbles then
What's to do?
Watch it close
Let it brew

I've been thinking cuddles
Sweet Mary
Just to lighten up the room
Let me calm your shadows
Little Mary
I just might relieve the gloom
Ah, wait...
Love, wait..." Sweeney lulled to me.

I saw a vision of my parents, Aladdin and Abu, on a magic carpet being chased by a wave of molten lava. I was scared now.

"Mommy...!" I shook with fear. "Daddy...!"

"Shhh...follow my voice, love...easy..." Sweeney whispered soothingly as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Mommy's gonna be alright, sweetheart." Uncle Joshua reassured soothingly. "Breathe...just breathe, Mei, there you go, sweetheart..."

I breathed in slowly and in sync with my uncle as I was being cuddled by Sweeney.

"There you go...that's my girl..." Sweeney whispered soothingly in my ear as he applied the lavender lotion, rubbed it on my face, my chest and my tummy to keep my panic attacks at bay.

"Slow, love, slow
Time's so fast
Now goes quickly,
See? Now it's past
Soon will come
Soon will last
Wait..." Sweeney continued to lull to me as he finished with the lavender lotion and lay beside me. He wrapped his arms around me as he laid me down.

"Don't you know, little love
Half the fun is to plan the plan?
All good things come to those who can
Wait..." Sweeney ever so softly lulled in my ear as he placed the blankets on top of me. He stroked my face as I was beginning to close my eyes.

"I have a fondness for you
Little Mary
Close your eyes, love
Sleep will come soon..."

I was finally asleep in Sweeney's arms, knowing that somewhere out there, my mom and dad would be safe. I felt the barber plant a soothing kiss on my cheek as he cuddled me close to him.

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