A Betrayal Revealed

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Day soon quickly turned into night as I got ready for bed after overlooking the balcony. I saw my mom and dad down there and they waved to me lovingly. I smiled, relieved that they both are okay. But what happened to Aladdin and Abu? That remained to be known as I laid down on the bed and let Sweeney rub me with lavender lotion; on my face, chest and belly soothingly and he softly hummed to me as I fell asleep. He cuddled up next to me and placed the warm comforter on top of me while he lulled.

Don't you cry
Little stars will see you
Night is here, baby dear
You must go to sleep too...Sweeney lulled to me soothingly and softly.

I felt him sweetly kiss my cheek as I slept in his arms. Until—

"Jasmine?" The sultan's voice called out as Princess Jasmine was brushing her hair, in love.

"Oh, Father...I had the most wonderful time. I'm so happy!" Jasmine said, twirling happily and in love.

"I'm so glad, dear!" Sweeney smiled tenderly. The triplets and I were on either side of the barber.

I noticed that the sultan's eyes had an eerie reddish orange glow and I hid behind Sweeney.

"You should be, Jasmine. I have chosen a husband for you." The sultan said.

"Wha...?" Jasmine looked suspicious.

"You will be wed to Jafar."  The sultan said. Jafar opened the door to reveal himself.

Jasmine gasped, not wanting to be married to the mischievous royal vizier.

"No...!" Sweeney whispered in dread.

I was shaking now.

"You're speechless, I see. A fine quality in a wife." Jafar complimented. I was confused to what that meant but the stoic look that Sweeney gave him told him that it was sexist. Jasmine wrenched her hand away from Jafar.

"I will never marry you!" Jasmine snapped. She bent over to her father whom was still hypnotized. "Father, I choose Prince Ali!"

"Where is the lad?" Sweeney asked curiously.

"Prince Ali left." Jafar lied.

"Hold it right there, liar!" My dad cut in.

"Looks like you've messed with the wrong man!" My mom added.

"Better check your crystal ball again, Jafar!" A familiar voice said. it was Prince Ali!

Could he be Aladdin? I asked myself in thought.

"Prince Ali!" Jasmine exclaimed excitedly.

Jafar gasped, the lie exposed.

"How in the he—um, awk!" Iago chimed and squawked.

"Mommy! Daddy!" I exclaimed as I ran to them.

"Hey, Mei-Mei!" My mom bent down to hug me and my dad joined in.

"We missed you, sweetie!" My dad smiled.

"How'd you both and Ali get out of that cave?" Sweeney asked curiously.

"It's a bit of long story..." My dad explained. "We'll tell you everything once we settle a score with Jafar."

Sweeney nodded understanding.

"Tell them the truth, Jafar. You tried to have me killed!" Prince Ali snapped as he got in the vizier's face.

"What? That's ridiculous nonsense, your highness!" Jafar dodged as he hypnotized the sultan with his snake staff. "He's obviously lying..."

"Obviously, lying..." The sultan repeated.

Prince Ali, Dad and Mom saw the problem now as I worried for the sultan.

"Father! What's wrong with you?!" Jasmine worried, wanting to know.

"Don't worry, honey, we know what's going on." My mom reassured to Jasmine.

"I know what's wrong!" Prince Ali said.

"The staff! Grab it while you can!" My dad realized.

Prince Ali grabbed the snake staff and broke it...breaking the sultan out of the spell that Jafar put him in.

"Oh, my!" The sultan shook his head.

"Sir, are you alright?" Sweeney asked concerned.

"Your highness, Jafar has been controlling you with this!" Prince Ali indicated Jafar's snake staff. The sultan now was shocked.

"W-what?! Jafar?! YOU LOW TRAITOR!!" The sultan bellowed in anger.

"NOW YOU'VE GONE AND DONE IT!!" Krishna screamed, about to furiously lunge at the vizier for controlling the sultan but Kim and Rani held her back and so did I.

"Krish, wait!" All three of us simultaneously said to Krishna.

Sweeney marched alongside uncle Joshua who pulled out his scepter and the decoys in order to stop Jafar along with the sultan, Jasmine and Ali.

"Your Majesty, all this can be explained!" Jafar chuckled nervously.

"GUARDS!! GUARDS!!" The sultan thundered to the palace guards.

"Well, that's it. We're dead. Forget it. Just dig a grave for both of us. We're dead." Iago commented, expecting the worst. Jafar had his eye on a lamp that Prince Ali had attached to his waist; as did I.

A lamp? Was there something I missed? I thought.

"Arrest Jafar at once!" The sultan commanded and the royal guards dragged him out of sight as the traitorous vizier struggled.

"This is not done yet, boy!" He hissed. He planted a magic bomb that made him disappear. We all coughed as Jafar laughed.

"Find him! Search everywhere!" The sultan ordered.

"WHERE DID THAT BAD MAN GO?!" Krishna yowled.

"Never mind him, Kris. Are you all okay?" Uncle Joshua asked all four of us tenderly. He knelt at eye level with us.

"I think so, Daddy." Rani nodded.

"I'm scared." I quaked. "Why would anyone want to hurt the sultan?"

"There are people out there who don't like when good leaders are in power, Nova." Anakin explained to me in a way so that I could understand.

Sweeney picked me up and hugged me soothingly.

"He just had to backstab the sultan..." Sweeney shook his head. "He's more like Turpin."

Prince Ali and Jasmine were truly in love now.

"Jafar, my most trusted counselor, plotting against me all this time. This is horrible, just horrible. How will I ever..." The sultan lamented.

"Your highness...are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Uncle Joshua smiled from ear to ear.

"Huh? Can this be true? My daughter has finally chosen a suitor? Ha, ha! Praise Allah! You brilliant boy, I could kiss you. I won't. I'll leave that to my... But you two will be wed at once. Yes, yes. And you'll be happy and prosperous, and then you, my boy, will become sultan." The sultan excitedly exclaimed as he hugged Jasmine and Ali.

"Sultan?" Ali asked surprised.

"Yes. A fine upstanding youth such as yourself, a person of your unimpeachable moral character is exactly what this kingdom means." The sultan nodded.

"What a night this has been, eh, Mare?" Sweeney mused.

I nodded sleepily as he kissed my cheek. It was an eventful night indeed. I laid my head on Sweeney's shoulder and we both nestled and cuddled in bed while we slept through the night.

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